October 30 is the Founding Day of the Russian Navy, one of the most unknown holidays in the country And although it was initially considered purely military, on this day it is customary to hold events of a patriotic nature, as well as remember naval veterans and popularize history It is interesting that the day was not chosen right away, since many events could lay claim to becoming the founders of the celebration But all events are somehow connected with Peter the Great, and no one doubts this However, someone believed that the founding day should be the date when the Russian fleet first appeared on Lake Pleshcheyevo Others note that the date should be the publication of the Duma decree on the creation of a fleet in Russia or other events Some even suggested choosing the day when the very young Peter found an abandoned ship and became very interested in shipbuilding One way or another, in the end the date was settled on October 30, when, at the insistence of Peter, the Duma issued a decree on the creation of a navy
On this day, it is customary to hold various patriotic events and remember the glorious history Of course, the names of leading Russian admirals appear For example, Ushakov, Tolbukhin, Nakhimov, Lefort, Lazarev, Kuznetsov, Kruzenshtern, Golitsyn, Wrangel and other equally famous historical characters who did a lot to protect our national borders
The fleet showed itself very seriously in almost all water elements, including the Black Sea, where Russia traditionally had many rivals The sailors experienced a real baptism of fire in numerous battles on the Black Sea with the Ottoman Empire So, many have heard about the heroic defense of Sevastopol and other cities of Crimea No less courage was required from sailors in the north Moreover, the fleet has traditionally been used not only to conduct military operations, but also to make all kinds of geographical discoveries All this ultimately made it possible to form the country as a state with its own ideology and way of life Thanks to the defense of the Russian Empire, later Russia, the Soviet Union managed to defend its borders several times
It is known that numerous northern cities, for example Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, were discovered precisely by sailors who moved in the harsh conditions of the Arctic Ocean on ships, risking their lives That is why there is a special date, so that descendants remember the great and glorious history, the genuine heroism of the sailors Of course, on this day it is customary to remember those who died defending their homeland and analyze some tragic or controversial historical events For example, the uprising of sailors of the Baltic Fleet against Soviet power A few decades ago, this event was hushed up or presented in a completely different light than it is now Since the history of Russia and the fleet, in particular, is truly complex and contradictory, there are still discussions about how to objectively evaluate this or that event
Every year on October 30, it is customary to congratulate employees and naval veterans, hold forums, lectures, and historical events Also, colorful parades are held, and people interested in history actively participate in reconstructions of certain historical events
October 30 is a busy, bright day, allowing everyone to take many colorful photos and videos, which clearly demonstrates the power of the country's navy and naval equipment Many museums and cultural centers of the Russian historical heritage invite everyone to view exhibitions on this day Cruisers and warships that participated in certain historical events of past eras have still been preserved