It’s easy to rejoice at happy moments, but it’s hard to thank fate for the difficulties and difficulties sent But they are the ones who strengthen character and help achieve their goals despite everything “No one is your friend, no one is your enemy, but every person is your teacher,” said Socrates Gratitude for events with a plus or minus sign is a great power It attunes a person to the course of life and helps to see the positive in everything that happens It's not easy to understand that troubles are just as good and important as the joyful moments of life The appropriate time to realize this philosophical statement is February 21, when the Feast of Life is celebrated
In the film “Office Romance,” lines from a poem by its director, E Ryazanov, were heard for the first time:
The author, talking about the history of the creation of the song “Nature Has No Bad Weather,” complained that, as a rule, sad, even bitter poems came to him E Ryazanov explained it this way: he spends “fun and cheerful forces” on creating comedies, and sadness, which also requires expression, finds a way out in poetry Happiness and sorrow, like good and evil, are two sides of the same coin They cannot exist without each other and always walk side by side
Celebrating life means accepting any of its manifestations and feeling gratitude for everything sent by fate You can enjoy not only its gifts, but also its failures and defeats, because no one knows for sure how today’s sorrows and disappointments will resonate in the future What seems vitally necessary and desirable in youth is assessed completely differently in adulthood “God took it away,” they often say about situations when circumstances have developed in a way favorable to a person Thanking fate for these and similar events is one of the ways to celebrate the Holiday of Life FI Tyutchev wrote:
Human existence is fleeting, and by the standards of the Universe in general - a moment Therefore, feel free to celebrate life in all its manifestations here and now on February 21! Thank fate for good luck, sad and joyful moments, minor victories and major defeats - all these threads from which the fabric of existence is woven If the festive mood has not come to you, you should listen to the recommendations of the philosopher and psychologist E Fromm: “And those who do not see that life is beautiful just need to jump higher!”