Common Language Day is celebrated annually on August 18th It was created in order to draw public attention to the issue of the relevance of introducing uniform, generally accepted norms of international communication Linguistic diversity is a natural result of the development of a large number of societies But speaking different languages it is impossible to agree The ideal option seems to be the creation of a common language for all peoples, understandable to the population of any country But this, at this stage, is a utopia Therefore, several approaches have been developed to solve the problem:
1 Maximum distribution of one of the existing languages This is exactly what the leading powers at that time did in the 20th century, but not a single one succeeded completely As a result, in the modern world, according to different classifications, there are from 7 to 10 languages of international communication They are recognized as those that can be used to communicate with a large number of people around the world These include Russian, Chinese, Arabic, French, Spanish, and English
2 Creation of the artificial language Esperanto It was developed in 1887 by Polish linguist Lazar Markowicz It is based on the lexical and grammatical norms of Western European languages, and is considered quite easy to master for a resident of any country in the world
3 Use of modern technologies that allow you to quickly translate speech This is a promising direction Today, such a translation contains a lot of inaccuracies, but the improvement of existing programs and the creation of new ones allows us to be optimistic about the method
In addition to the above, international languages include program code encoding, Morse code and sign language used by the deaf Common Language Day is generally recognized, one way or another, celebrated all over the world Linguistic conferences are scheduled for August 18, as well as activist actions at which they propose the language of their country as an international one There are thematic programs on television And ordinary citizens can share with their loved ones their thoughts about promising methods of communication or tell them the following interesting facts:
• The most widely spoken language on the planet is Mandarin Chinese For this reason, it is considered very promising for study
• Russian and Bengali are recognized as the most complex languages in terms of grammar and morphology
• Russian is spoken by more than 280 million people around the world This is almost twice the population of Russia
• Basque is considered the oldest European language He is the only representative of his linguistic group, that is, he does not have any dialects
• Some languages involve more than just sounds made with the mouth These include Pashto and Swahili To say some words on them, you will have to tap your knuckles or specifically click your teeth
There is another approach to celebrating Common Language Day Its supporters urge everyone to “find common ground” in a figurative sense, not literally After all, the expression “they speak different languages” means a different semantic load of the dialogue That is, you need to look at the problem from the interlocutor’s point of view, hear someone else’s point of view and strive for a mutually beneficial solution or a reasonable compromise In a global sense, this can lead to solving existing world problems and military conflicts, improving the level and quality of life of people throughout our planet At the local level, it will help regulate relationships between children and parents, spouses, and colleagues