The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without the use of computer technology Viruses and bad system codes often lead to “glitches,” which in professional slang mean a failure in a program So, in February 2003, due to erroneous computer operation, the London police, insurance companies, ambulance service and other organizations received notification of the death of 8,500 St Mary's Mercy Hospital Fortunately, all these people were alive - the message turned out to be a bug It was not until the beginning of March that the computer systems were established This is how a funny holiday appeared - Computer Glitch Day
According to another version, the reason for organizing an unusual celebration was the release on March 12, 2009 of an unfinished update for the Windows system It paralyzed the work of many firms and enterprises Programmers who spent all day struggling with multiple pop-ups were in great demand The solution to the problem was a complete rollback of operating system updates This event became the reason for celebrating March 12, Computer Glitch Day
Not all bugs are the result of programmers' mistakes Amateurs and professionals working in the field of IT technologies have come up with many viruses that specifically infect with malware Trojan programs create problems for the computer user: they send them to non-existent sites, destroy data stored on disk, collect email addresses for subsequent spam, and steal other data
Viruses appeared in the era of MC-DOS Thus, DOSPlane displayed on the computer screen an image of an airplane from which a paratrooper takes off, destroying files at the moment of landing Markt DOS drew an image of a skull and formatted computer disks BootPingpong didn't destroy anything, but it did display a ping pong game on the screen The Elvira virus is the creation of a French programmer who worked under the nickname Spanksa The malware copied the opening credits from the Star Wars movie, which was actually a love letter to a friend
The "Dazed" virus also appeared in the "Stone Age" of the computer era It is directly related to the term “glitch” - hallucinations that are observed after taking alcohol and drugs "Dazed" affected the first versions of the DOS system through the disk drive The computer virus was first noticed in 1988 in New Zealand Its original version did not cause much harm to the user, because resulted in a message appearing on the screen: "Your computer is high Legalize marijuana"
The unusual holiday, celebrated on March 12, was created to draw attention to PC failures - software errors made by developers and other bugs Computer Glitch Day is widely celebrated by system administrators, programmers and other professionals who have the necessary skills and are ready to troubleshoot problems of any complexity in the operation of equipment