Any objects and events are links in an endless chain that embraces everything that exists in the world into a single whole Correlation, the relationship between the causes and consequences of a phenomenon, is widely used in the field of marketing when analyzing sales of goods and sales of services The interaction of premises and consequences is in demand in cybernetics when regulating technological processes (the “feedback” principle), in criminal law - when establishing a connection between a crime (action or inaction) and the consequences of its commission
The course of events in the model of a chain reaction of a nuclear discharge, built by physicists and chemists, develops according to the domino principle Logicians study the correlation of two quantities, in which a change in one entails a change in the other To establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, various methods are used: differences and similarities, residues, etc People who wanted to draw public attention to the importance of the relationship between various events came up with a funny holiday March 10 is the Day of Violation of Cause-Effect Relationships
Often this process is the result of a lack of understanding of the relationship between one phenomenon of life and others, and a person’s lack of experience and knowledge Thus, a hospital patient, having not taken the drug prescribed by the doctor on time, has no idea what troubles will result from his carelessness Violation of traffic rules by a car driver will lead to an accident, while a crane operator’s violation of safety rules will lead to a falling load and injury to people on the construction site The consequence of a businessman’s incorrect assessment of the market situation will be losses and bankruptcy Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity lead a person to obesity and other health problems All of the above is an example of a violation of cause-effect relationships
The ability to understand the patterns of development of the world distinguishes humans from representatives of the animal world Understanding the relationship between phenomena allows people to make informed and informed decisions, improve their existence and the lives of those around them For example, the influence of climate on well-being has been known for thousands of years That is why, to treat consumption and tuberculosis, doctors sent patients to sanatoriums located high in the mountains or on the sea coast, where it is warm and sunny most of the year
Less obvious is the cause-and-effect relationship of phenomena, which esotericists call karma A person who has committed a mistaken action does not pay for it instantly, but over time Supporters of the psychosomatic causes of most diseases argue that stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, sand in the liver are a consequence of excessive touchiness and pride, which gives off bitterness to the soul Therefore, in order to be healthy, it is not enough to eat right and exercise To eradicate most diseases, a person needs to change his thoughts and behavior
The cause-and-effect relationship of phenomena is the cornerstone of philosophy The German scientist G Leibniz argued that the Universe is an ocean, the slightest movement in which responds to changes in the entire universe On March 10, the Day of Violation of Causal Relationships calls on all inquisitive people to observe such transformations in the world around them