On the eve of Valentine's Day, it is common to think about people dear to your heart and prepare for the celebration On February 13, people buy gifts, sign cards with wishes and plan where to celebrate Valentine's Day Those who have not yet met their soulmate dream about it in their dreams and in reality This enthusiastic state and anticipation of a miracle, the belief that true love will definitely come, deserve special attention Therefore, February 13 is celebrated as Sweet Dreams Day
The tradition of celebrating Dream Your Sweet Day originated in the USA In English, the word dream is used to mean “dream” and “dream” Therefore, in honor of the holiday, it is customary to dream about the object of one’s admiration, to fantasize, while lying in bed, about tomorrow’s meeting To do this, place a photograph of your beloved or lover on the bedside table If you haven’t met your soulmate yet, then before going to bed you can imagine what he or she should look like and what character traits they should have Dreams backed by a strong desire and self-confidence will definitely come true This is often confirmed by prophetic dreams with a romantic plot
In honor of Dream Your Sweet Day, they listen to jazz music, French chanson and love songs of other genres They evoke melancholy, create a special mood and anticipation of a joyful meeting that will change your whole life for the better People most often dream in childhood, when they still have faith in miracles and magic On the Day of Sweet Dreams, you can and should try to regain your attitude towards life as a holiday at which you are the most important guest
Not only an expensive gift can tell about strong love and deep affection People prepare for Valentine's Day by buying flowers, chocolate or other sweets If you plan to celebrate the holiday at home, then on February 13 you should consider a menu consisting of dishes that are ideal for a romantic meeting on Valentine's Day Dessert has a special place on this list It is traditionally prepared in the shape of a heart
The pace of modern life leaves no time for a person to immerse himself inside himself A good opportunity to catch up is the Day of Sweet Dreams For the Dream Your Sweet Day holiday, people sign postcards or send out their electronic equivalents with the wish to meet and end this day in dreams with dreams of a miracle Sweet dreams are dreams in the form of stories that could happen in real life, ie fantasies turned into reality Therefore, the traditional wish Sweet dreams! in honor of the holiday, which is celebrated on February 13, sounds more relevant and appropriate than ever