Laurels and awards for the path traveled go to laureates and winners of competitions who have made a breakthrough in science or set a sports record However, in life there are less significant, but very important achievements that are not so obvious Teachers, doctors and conservationists achieve in their field of activity no less heights than professionals widely known to the public Their names are not printed on the front pages of newspapers or carved in granite In honor of ordinary people who have achieved success or done something important but have not received accolades, March 24 is celebrated as International Achievement Day
International Day for Achievers is a hymn to the dedication and hard work of helpline psychologists, surgeons, firefighters, and emergency workers who perform heroic deeds every day, saving people’s lives Animal shelter workers take care of dozens of their charges, eventually placing them in good hands The fact that four-legged pets find owners is a miracle and an achievement no less important than the proof of Fermat’s theorem The holiday becomes a good occasion to celebrate the success of a loved one who has worked hard and advanced in the service, receiving a high position
Not spoiled by attention and not known to a wide circle are teachers whose students, years and decades later, achieve success and recognition Yes, receiving an award at an international music competition or a prize at a film festival for the best role is the merit of the winner But he became successful and famous thanks to the fact that in his youth his talent was noticed, nurtured and directed in the right direction of development Therefore, their former students congratulate school teachers, mentors of music schools, sports sections and theater clubs on the International Day of Achievement
Not all of us have discipline, strong motivation, a positive attitude and other traits that are present in the character of successful people Many people use International Day for Achievers to look back and remember personal achievements, victories and awards What is not something special for one person, for another is a leap into the unknown, overcoming life’s adversities, despite obstacles and negative circumstances The holiday helps to analyze the path traveled and pay tribute to one’s own character, determination, faith in one’s strengths and success in any endeavor
Happy International Achievement Day congratulates both students who passed the session with excellent marks and associate professors who defended their dissertation International Day for Achievers is celebrated by athletes who stand on the lower steps of the podium, but believe that their main victories are ahead This holiday was invented in honor of those who set small and large goals for themselves, and later, with perseverance, hard work and patience, achieve them