Funny holidays - International Snailpapers Day

Snails, like turtles, are famous for their slowness and sluggishnessFunny holidays - International Snailpapers Day This is how today, in the age of modern technology, we can characterize the speed of delivering news through newspapers, the traditional sending of letters and parcels In English-speaking countries there is a phrase snail mail - snail mail By analogy with it, they came up with snailpaper - a snail newspaper News reaches people much faster through the Internet, radio, television and social networks than through printed periodicals In memory of traditional ways of presenting information, April 7 is International Snail News Day Journalist Dan Bloom once noted that the period of time from the moment a significant event occurs to the writing of an article and the appearance of a printed publication in the hands of the reader is 12 hours Indeed, such a speed of news delivery can hardly be called operational As is delivery of a letter by regular mail compared to instant forwarding by email However, on the initiative of D Bloom, the funny International Snailpapers Day was created The holiday encourages people to pay tribute to newspapers that still arrive in the mailbox or are dropped by messengers on the porch of a house on a weekday or weekend The expression snail mail is often used in everyday life So, the developers of Sandlot Games used it for the name of a computer game In Snail mail, the gamer takes part in the collection of parcels by the snail Turbo, which performs work for the Intergalactic postal service The clam has the ability to fire a cannon at enemies (slugs) and asteroids There is no option to change the speed of the Turbo snail in the game Few people know, but snail mail really existed People used snails in the XI-XXIV centuries to transmit information The French Cathars and Albigensians used specially selected pairs of mollusks for communication between their fortresses and castles During wars, two snails were placed in different places - at "headquarters" and "at the front line" The latter's behavior was closely monitored As soon as she began to show activity, she was put into a special tray with letters printed on its walls When the mollusk froze at any of them, the “telegraph operator” wrote down the letter of the Latin alphabet Thanks to the movement of the snails in the gutter, words and entire sentences were formed The secret of the method was that the first mollusk was irritated with pin pricks and placed on the same tray as the second The synchronicity of the pair's movement made it possible to quickly receive an order from headquarters to the front line, without using the services of messengers So “snail mail” for those who know history well is not a symbol of leisure and slowness Centuries after the death of the Qatari movement, biologist Bequa conducted a communication session using snail mail between the United States and France A group of 50 pairs of snails was divided into 2 parties, which were placed in New York and Paris Letters of the French alphabet were used to transmit information, and electric current served as a stimulus for the mollusks American snails have successfully received a message - a phrase from another continent Science still does not know how communication occurs in a pair of gastropods However, on April 7, people are not talking about the “snail telegraph” and other unusual methods of transmitting information International Snailpapers Day is a holiday that takes us back to the near past: the time of paper newspapers and magazines Until recently, news was spread around the world through periodicals The International Snail News Day, which is celebrated annually on April 7, suggests remembering this

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