The bustle of family everyday life, love passions and painful partings, friendly gatherings until the morning are an important part of our lives However, even the most sociable and sought-after person needs privacy Sometimes, for various reasons, relationships with the opposite sex do not work out However, this forced pause that has come in personal life does not bother a person at all People who have consciously made a choice in favor of solitude celebrate February 11 as the Day of Contented Solitude
For some, happiness is associated with active involvement in social life, the cycle of events on the love front and the presence of a partner For other people, life and leisure time spent alone is preferable This lifestyle is conscious and does not cause discomfort This choice does not exclude communication with friends, visits to relatives and meetings with former classmates However, singles (from the English single - one), as such people are called in Europe and America, prefer to live in a kind of emotional and social isolation And they are happy with the current circumstances
Often this state of affairs is not a pathology Loneliness can be situational - for example, after a breakup with a partner or moving to a new place of residence Contrary to popular belief, it is often chosen not by introverts, but by extroverts - they feel comfortable relaxing in solitude from endless communication with others A home where only pets can be living creatures is their comfort zone Sometimes people with complex personalities or high demands on their partners make the choice in favor of loneliness It is difficult for such men to find their ideal, therefore, being maximalists, they become bachelors
Society has long reconsidered its attitude towards singles Now a woman living alone is not perceived as an old maid The absence of family and children is her conscious choice Often solitude is associated with the processes of internal development and formation of a person To form our own “I,” we need to spend some time alone Sometimes this path of spiritual improvement becomes a way of life, for example, among Buddhist monks or Orthodox schema-monks
The theme of loneliness was one of the main ones in the works of French existentialists of the early twentieth century Camus, Sartre, Heidegger and Simone de Beauvoir believed that each person is unique and inimitable, therefore, being part of society, he can never be fully understood by others He needs to come to terms with forced personal loneliness - an inevitable fact of life associated with the unsolvable problem of the differences between people
Celebrating Satisfied Staying Single Day reinforces the fact that solitude can be a conscious attitude and is not always associated with low self-esteem and inner emptiness Sometimes this choice is justified by unwillingness to take responsibility for other people - partners, children A person who is in consciously chosen solitude often feels happier than a member of a large family in which no one needs him and where everyone lives on their own “Nobody loves or understands me!” - this is their life message Therefore, the holiday of February 11 is celebrated by people who are honest with themselves and those around them - they are happy with their loneliness and call for respect for their life choices