Funny Holidays - Skipping Class Day

Surely every person has skipped school at least once in his lifeFunny Holidays - Skipping Class Day Some people think that skipping classes for no reason is unacceptable, others calmly skip them once or twice a week and don’t worry One way or another, absenteeism is a component of the educational process Teachers and most parents try to fight them, but not always successfully Freedom-loving and inventive schoolchildren each time come up with more and more new reasons for not showing up to school According to the law, it is forbidden to skip without a good reason Their legal representatives are responsible for malicious fans of skipping classes In particularly difficult cases, administrative measures are taken against parents, and sometimes the truant is even expelled from the educational institution However, there is a day when schoolchildren can quite justifiably miss classes March 7 is the Day of Truancy in Russia This funny holiday came to us relatively recently, but quickly became a favorite among students and even teachers In some countries this holiday is also celebrated For example, in Poland it falls on March 21 Teachers themselves dismiss children from classes, marking this day in the curriculum as a library day That is, officially students are engaged in extracurricular educational activities Due to the fact that in Poland the holiday falls on the spring equinox, adults often organize events dedicated to seeing off winter and welcoming the long-awaited spring It’s a strange situation: but not skipping school on this day is even considered shameful Therefore, especially diligent students simply imitate absenteeism In England, similar events are held earlier - on February 1 And in the USA and Canada, each educational institution has its own tradition of celebrating this day In some places, self-government days are held, in others, field trips or even school parties are organized Most people think that on this day they can officially skip classes In fact, the holiday is a joke, and for completely careless students, the day of truancy should become a reminder of the importance of studying This day is a reason to think about your attitude towards school, learning and teachers Over the relatively short history of the holiday, its own traditions have already developed Students, skipping classes, go to parks and enjoy the early spring Somewhere the guys are preparing for another holiday - International Women's Day Some zoos, amusement parks, and children's theaters are adapting to this date, offering discounts for schoolchildren and organizing themed events It is gratifying that school administrations also began (unofficially for now) to hold events in honor of March 7th This once again proves that teachers understand: children simply need relaxation, rest and positive emotions on the eve of spring exams

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