"Hello, young lady!" - every telephone conversation with subscribers since the end of the 19th century began with this phrase until the 20s of the XX century The first devices did not have a disk with numbers, and in other respects they were very different from modern devices Now it is impossible to imagine people’s lives without this unique invention Therefore, the birthday of the telephone, which is celebrated on March 7, may be a funny, but important holiday
The idea of converting audio signals to analog belongs to telegraph inspector Charles Bourcel He was still in the middle of the 19th century noticed that simultaneously with the arrival of an electrical signal into the telegraph, sound also appears in the apparatus Almost at the same time, a similar discovery was made by Antonio Meucci, a naturalist from the USA, who in 1860 designed a device called Teletrofono
Boursel's observations about possible long-distance communication were brought to life by the American scientist Alexander Bell He designed a device “for transmitting vocal sounds by telegraph” He first demonstrated a telephone set on March 7 at the World Exhibition, which was held in Philadelphia in 1876 On this day, A Bell registered a patent for his invention, which he called an improved model of the telegraph In 1881, the scientist brought a device for transmitting sounds over a distance to the International Electrical Exhibition in Paris The phone caused a stir among the public - there were huge queues of people wanting to try to call the device
THIS IS INTERESTING The first telephone exchange in Moscow opened in 1882 on Kuznetsky Most Responsible work at the Swedish-Danish-Russian Telephone JSC was associated with a lot of requirements and restrictions for the employees The telephone operator was supposed to speak impeccably politely, clearly and clearly She was forbidden to be distracted by extraneous conversations, eavesdrop on conversations of callers, and leave the table without handing it over to a colleague on duty The fine for being 3-5 minutes late for work was 13 kopecks with a salary of 25-35 rubles
After the Paris exhibition, the triumphant march of the telephone around the world began Over the following years, scientists have been improving the apparatus Thus, T Edison proposed using carbon powder in microphones, and P Golubitsky was the first to use a capacitor and permanent magnets Despite the innovative changes, A Bell is still considered the author of the invention
THIS IS INTERESTING In the USSR, the first devices with a disk, and with them the ability to dial a subscriber directly, appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century The numbers consisted of 2-3 digits, because Not everyone could afford the luxury of a telephone The disk and switch were invented by the American E Strowger His PBX was jokingly called “a telephone without young ladies and curses”
“Girl, honey, I ask you to extend it!” - bard Vladimir Vysotsky shouted into the phone to the international communications operator The poet could not stop talking to his love - actress Marina Vladi, who lived in Paris His conversation, whatever, at that moment his whole life depended on the telephone operator
Switchboards and rotary phones are a thing of the past Communication has become instantaneous, and the modern smartphone bears little resemblance to its ancestor But there is some magic in an old telephone with a dial and a spring cord leading to the receiver For most owners, it was not just a communication device, but a true friend And it is customary to celebrate the birthdays of loved ones, which is what subscribers in different countries of the world do every year on March 7th
THIS IS INTERESTING In rotary phones, letters were placed around the numbers Their use was based on the principle of mnemonics - storing information using artificially created associations It turned out that most subscribers find it easier to remember a word or abbreviation than a combination of numbers from a phone number