Funny holidays - Vacuum Truck Day

Public utility workers involved in sewage removal have their own holidayFunny holidays - Vacuum Truck Day The day of sanitation workers, specialists servicing houses that do not have a central sewer system, is celebrated on March 20 The holiday does not have an official status, which in no way detracts from the importance of the professional activities of the goldsmiths This was the name given to sewer workers whose work was adequately paid and highly valued at the beginning of the 20th century V Gilyarovsky in his novel “Moscow and Muscovites” describes the goldsmith as a man who rides a horse train with a barrel around the yards and collects sewage Vacuum workers were cleaning cesspools, transporting their contents outside the city Goldsmiths were respected and even feared - for their disrespectful attitude they could turn waste out of the barrel directly onto the ground near the house of a presumptuous client Pit cleaners earned good money (one ruble a day), as they worked for themselves, doing private driving, and for city sanitation services According to one version, people jokingly nicknamed the sewer men gold diggers, creating reasons for laughter and irony On the other hand, drawing parallels with “night gold,” as excrement was delicately called at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries The results of human activity were used as fertilizer, which helped to harvest a good harvest, and were greatly valued In the explanatory dictionary VI Dahl indicated that “gold” was used not only to denote a precious metal This word was also used to describe droppings, fertilizer, and “human manure” This explains the etymology of the “golden man” Today, like hundreds of years ago, the work of a sewer operator is considered important and difficult, and therefore is highly valued by clients - primarily summer residents and residents of private sector houses And if goldsmiths used to come on sanitary convoys, today they work on modern trucks with tanks mounted on the chassis The first sewer trucks appeared in the USA at the very beginning of the 20th century, and in the USSR in the mid-30s To designate models in the Soviet Union, the abbreviation ANI, ANM or ASM was used, later - KO (municipal equipment) The process of collecting feces and other liquid waste has been automated Today, sewage is not poured into the tank with a ladle, but is drawn from cesspools and sewer wells using a vacuum pump To transport tanks, foreign chassis or domestic ZIL, KAMAZ, GAZ and MAZ are used Vacuum trucks travel through large and small cities, towns and villages Thanks to their work, the land is cleared of waste, the comfort of life of the owners of private houses is maintained, and sanitary standards and rules are observed Paying tribute to their hard work, March 20 is celebrated as Vacuum Man's Day

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