Vitamin Drinks Day is celebrated annually on February 6th It is not known for certain when and by whom this unusual holiday was invented, but the date was definitely not chosen by chance After all, it is at the end of winter that our body seriously suffers from a lack of vitamins This is due to dietary habits (summer supplies of vegetables and fruits have already run out, but there are no seasonal ones yet), lack of sunlight, and cold As a result, the immune system is weakened, and a person becomes vulnerable to the effects of various viruses You can maintain your health with vitamin drinks Indeed, in this form, most vitamins are perfectly absorbed
Vitamin drinks in winter and during the off-season are especially necessary for the following categories of the population: • children and adolescents; • elderly people; • pregnant women; • anyone who faces high mental or physical stress; • people weakened by illness or recently undergone surgery
Vitamin drinks include juices, fruit drinks, compotes, teas, decoctions, and infusions Their taste can be changed to suit your own preferences and needs To do this, sugar and various spices, such as cinnamon and cloves, are added to drinks Sugar can be replaced with honey, but in this case it is added not to a hot liquid, but to a cooled one Honey is recommended for those who cannot consume sugar for health reasons It will make the compote or infusion not only tasty, but also more healthy Various berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs are used to prepare vitamin drinks Root vegetables, such as ginger, are also often used It is especially effective in the fight against colds, as it has an expectorant effect, reduces sore throat and reduces fever
To prepare fortified drinks, both fresh fruits and vegetables (oranges, lemons, apples, carrots, beets) and frozen ones, as well as dried fruits, are used But it is very important to prepare them correctly, in particular in such a way as to preserve vitamin C This is one of the most important vitamins for us in winter It supports the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron by the body and the restoration of tissue cells, has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the nervous system But there are some difficulties:
1 Vitamin C does not accumulate in the body Exactly as much as is required at a given time is absorbed, and the excess is simply eliminated That is, you won’t be able to eat enough vitamin products for future use; you need to consume them on a regular basis
2 The vitamin is very unstable; it is difficult to preserve it during cooking It is destroyed by oxygen, long-term storage and contact with metal But the most destructive effect is high temperatures If you cook vegetables, fruits or berries for 2-3 minutes, the vitamin C in them will be destroyed by 90% or completely
Minimal heat treatment of products intended for preparing vitamin drinks will help solve the problem For example, it is better not to cook compote or jelly from frozen berries and fruits, but simply put them in already brewed tea This will preserve the vitamin C they contain And dried fruits, before boiling, should be pre-soaked for at least a few hours This way you can significantly reduce their preparation time You should also adhere to the following rules:
• do not defrost berries and fruits in the air or in the microwave, it is better to simply rinse them with running water and place them in a saucepan; • use a thermos for preparing drinks, pour the fruits with not too hot water; • cook vegetables over low heat and with the lid closed