On February 28, the winter period of the year ends, and with it the time of great festivities associated with secular holidays and church celebrations But this should not be a reason for sadness On the contrary, at the end of winter you need to smile and get ready to greet the first day of spring The awakening of nature will soon begin: the sun will shine brightly, the thaw will come and the birds will fly in Spring is already on the doorstep, so don’t pay attention to dirt, slush, gloomy skies, drops and puddles Invite all your friends to celebrate Winter Day on February 28th!
In honor of this funny holiday, which, of course, is not official, many poems have been composed They are sent in the form of postcards or SMS to loved ones:
On gloomy and cloudy February days, we all really miss the sun and warmth, especially spiritual warmth Therefore, any sign of attention from a friend or loved one will be received with joy and gratitude In honor of February 28 and the departure of winter, poetic lines filled with sincere care and wishes for happiness are heard:
Spring is a time of loss of physical strength, fatigue, spleen and depression Therefore, on the eve of her arrival, you need to support your body with vitamins and saturate yourself with positive emotions On February 28, saying goodbye to winter, it is customary to treat loved ones to tangerines, the symbol of the New Year holidays, oranges, persimmons and other orange fruits According to the observations of psychologists, it helps to cheer up emotionally, creates a feeling of fun, whets the appetite and stimulates mental activity
The Slavs saw off the harsh and cold winter with dancing and singing at folk festivals They glorified Yarilo and other gods, seeking their favor and performing special rituals for the arrival of the new year, because for our ancestors it came on March 1st The tradition of a magnificent farewell to winter had a sacred meaning and was of special importance among other sacred actions
A cheerful farewell to the cold and frost on February 28, illuminated by the joyful expectation of warmth and spring renewal of nature, is marked by the celebration of Maslenitsa We inherited this ancient Slavic holiday from pagan culture Traditionally, he drove out winter and gave the Earth to the power of the beautiful spring Jadbog He was the personification of the sun, so seeing off frost and snow was accompanied by eating the symbol of the luminary - golden pancakes, as well as ritual cookies in the shape of larks
On February 28, everyone who cares about the culture of our ancestors happily takes part in celebrations stylized as ancient folk festivals Indeed, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, a warm spring, a rich harvest and other benefits, depending on the favor of the forces of nature, will definitely come if people correctly celebrate the Day of the End of Winter