Achieving inner balance and happiness are important life resources that are necessary to unlock human potential A woman’s self-realization in the role of mother and wife is no less important than her achievement of creative heights or career growth Representatives of the fair half of humanity generously share their delight in having their hopes and desires come true with those around them Women's Happiness Day is celebrated three times a year: February 21, June 11 and October 18 This holiday is a celebration of love, harmony, joy and self-realization
There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for happiness One woman dreams of getting married, another - having a child, a third - organizing an exhibition of her paintings, and a fourth - going on a trip around the world All these goals are real and quite achievable if you follow the simple advice of psychologists:
• love yourself - remember that nature created you unique and inimitable, stop worrying about not meeting the beauty standards of the modern world imposed by mass culture;
• start paying more attention to your needs; work and family can sometimes wait;
• stop communicating with toxic people - learn to say “no”, defending personal boundaries;
• use your feminine strength instead of male behavior patterns - charm, sensuality and empathy to achieve goals;
• find yourself a hobby or a place of strength - hobbies and being in the company of a close friend are the components of happiness
March 20th is the International Day of Happiness The solemn date was established by the UN in 2012 However, it is World Women's Happiness Day that is used to celebrate the personal achievements of the fair half of humanity Each representative of the fairer sex has her own values that she protects and goals that she strives for In Russian culture, family comes first in a woman’s life The husband and children are, of course, a very important resource that confirms the implementation of the most important function - procreation
However, a friendly family, prosperity and comfort in the home are not all that a woman needs to be happy Personal achievements in the professional sphere, creativity and other areas of life where she can demonstrate her talents and abilities are important to her World Women's Happiness Day emphasizes the importance of self-realization of the fair half of humanity
On October 18, on World Women's Happiness Day, it is customary to give flowers and gifts, to say pleasant words to mothers and grandmothers, sisters and friends, instilling in them optimism and faith in the future On this day, stories are published, posts are posted and thematic videos are posted on social networks Share the story of your achievements with other girls and women, inspire them with your own example and instill faith that happiness is achievable!