Every year on October 2, all states and union territories of India celebrate one of the three official national holidays, Gandhi Jayanti Day The date of celebration is dedicated to the birthday of the great leader, who is deeply revered in India and called the Father of the Nation
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in 1869 and became known throughout the world thanks to his desire to achieve justice through non-violent, peaceful means He called on the people not to take up arms, but to achieve their goals through peaceful marches, hunger strikes, boycotts and other economic levers The great religious thinker and outstanding political figure fought against racial discrimination all his life, became the leader of the national liberation movement of the Indian people, and fought for the independence of his country from Great Britain Gandhi also advocated the unity of peoples, was against caste inequality and sought to abolish untouchability In January 1948, Gandhi was killed by a bullet fired from the pistol of an extremist fanatic At the burial place of the outstanding thinker and peacemaker, a Gandhi Samadhi memorial was erected, which is visited by thousands of people on October 2 They all remember their Father of the Nation, sing his favorite religious songs, read poetry, bring garlands of flowers and, of course, pray
Since the holiday is a day off, most businesses, government and educational institutions are closed Even taking public transport or going to the store can be difficult as the entire country remembers its great leader Of interest is the fact that on October 2 the sale of alcohol is prohibited in the country This is due to the fact that Gandhi wanted to rid the people of India of bad habits, including drinking alcohol Also on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti, all schoolchildren of the country, various public organizations and government institutions find time to devote themselves to various good deeds, thus continuing the ideas and traditions of Gandhism For the same reasons, it is customary to engage in hand spinning on October 2 in India
Recognizing the peacemaking path promoted by the Father of the Indian Nation, in 2007 the UN declared Mahatma Gandhi's birthday as the International Day of Non-Violence