The term “geology” is of Greek origin and, at first glance, is perceived unambiguously Geo + Logos – the doctrine (science) of the earth However, the fact has already been forgotten that the word was born not as denoting the science of the structure of our planet, but as a contrast to the science of God - theology At the time the term was introduced into use (and this is the end of the twelfth - beginning of the thirteenth century), geologists were those who studied everything mortal and existing, that is, they were engaged in earthly science as opposed to spiritual science Now these same scientists would be called physicists
After several centuries, it was necessary to systematize the knowledge accumulated by mankind about rocks, ores and minerals People were increasingly using the resources of the lithosphere and the earth's crust, and professionals in this field were needed They were called geognostics (Geo + Gnostics – knowledge of the earth) The term was widely used until the mid-19th century
Now a specialist who studies the Earth's surface can call himself a geologist Science has developed a lot of directions, and they all consider the organization of matter in the earth’s crust The professional holiday Geologist Day in Russia is celebrated every year on the first Sunday in April The order establishing the holiday was signed on March 31, 1961; this day fell on Thursday The next day off turned out to be the first Sunday in April Since workers in this industry begin expeditions, excavations and field work at this time, it was decided to fix the holiday in the first week of April
The study of the Earth is developing rapidly and is constantly updated with new discoveries, despite the fact that the object has been studied for a very long time Scientists are engaged in raw materials research, replenishing the country's resource banks with minerals Together with historians, they are working to reconstruct the sequence of events that occurred during the formation of modern cortical structures Volcanologists study and try to predict the behavior of magma coming to the surface in order to prevent disasters and casualties
The most interesting work is for those geologists who need to understand the origin of unique formations that have become a kind of landmark One can roughly guess how exactly the famous Giant's Causeway, a basalt formation in Northern Ireland, came into being, considering it to have occurred as a result of a volcanic eruption Coastal erosion can be blamed for the Moeraki Boulders These smooth, round hemispheres scattered along New Zealand's Cohehoe Beach are still being explored There is no exact answer yet about how and under what conditions the boulders ended up on the coast They expect it from geologists
These specialists also make unfortunate mistakes In 1971, gas deposits were discovered in one of the Turkmen regions, hitherto contained by underground emptiness As a result of drilling, the integrity of the cavern was damaged and gas began to escape Geologists decided to set fire to natural fuel in the hope that it would quickly burn out But they were wrong Gas still continues to come from underground and burn Local residents called this gas crater “The Gates of Hell” Scientists have yet to study and prevent such phenomena