America's first president, George Washington, was born in Virginia on February 22, 1732 Americans call him the father of the nation and recognize him as the most significant figure in the history of the country People celebrated his birthday during Washington's lifetime, and continued the tradition after his death, but the holiday became official only after 1885
George Washington's birthday was celebrated on February 22 until 1971 After the US Congress passed the Act moving certain memorial dates to Mondays, the holiday moved to the third Monday in February Americans received 3 days off, and, according to the US government, these days bring significant benefits, both in the spiritual and economic life of the nation Some reformers proposed renaming the holiday itself as President's Day, but Congress rejected this project, and the name remained the same
A few days before the holiday, American educational institutions host events dedicated to the activities of the first president At Mount Vernon, Washington's former residence, a ceremony is held to lay flowers on the grave, themed games are held for children, lectures are given for students, and especially memorable artifacts are laid out for tourists In Florida, for a hundred years in a row, they have been organizing a fun festival, George Fest, with a popular look-alike competition Restaurants, cafes and bakeries bake traditional cherry cakes Like most holidays, this special day comes with special promotions and sales Symbolic of modern America, popular American car brands such as Ford, Chevrolet and Cadillac are in high demand during the holidays
In 1862, at a joint session of the House of Representatives and the Senate, in the presence of many officials from the US Supreme Court, high-ranking officers of the army and navy, George Washington's farewell Address to the Nation, timed to coincide with his 130th anniversary, was read aloud This has become an unshakable political tradition, observed to this day, every year on February 22