The problem of preserving the biosphere of our planet, which relatively recently worried few people, today confronts humanity with frightening urgency Environmental pollution, limited supplies of natural materials, of which about a third are wasted, the need for significant investment to change technologies and find cheaper and more versatile raw materials led to the establishment of World Recycling Day or, as it is called in a number of countries, World Recycling Day Every year on November 15, again, with increasing scope and persistence, environmentalists and social activists remind their fellow citizens, industrial structures and government authorities of the need for rational use of natural resources, careful attention to environmental safety issues and finding solutions for the reuse of worn-out goods , packaging and other products
The pioneers in the establishment of Recycling Day were citizens of the United States of America, who first held America Recycles Day in 1997 Literally, the original name of the memorial date is translated as “The Day America Recycles Waste” The holiday date proposed by environmentalists was supposed to encourage US citizens who donate garbage for subsequent recycling or purchase goods in the production of which recycled products were used to one degree or another “Invented” in North America, the memorial day began to be held in other countries of the Earth
There are two reasons why Recycling Day has become so relevant:
Firstly, the limitations of minerals and other natural resources remind everyone that the future existence of humanity depends on how rationally they are used Residents of many countries are already experiencing difficulties with drinking water and food, and the owners of industrial enterprises are forced not only to invest in improving technological processes, but also to study the scientific issues of previously used raw materials
Secondly, the global increase in temperature caused by the formation and intensification of the “greenhouse effect” due to the huge amount of household and industrial waste, the volumes of which continue to grow, has led to various restrictions placed on manufacturers The long decay period of tons of all kinds of packaging materials, household appliances, car tires, polyethylene products, radioactive fuel and other materials require decisive and urgent measures to prevent our planet from turning into a landfill unsuitable for life
Answers to the questions of using recycled waste must be found by all inhabitants of planet Earth Unfortunately, a unified position has not yet been developed that would unite all states, regardless of their state structure and position Numerous waste recycling technologies for which the European community is famous are “compensated” by the lack of attention and funds in other countries, which include states that were formerly part of the Soviet Union Numerous landfills, the area of which is constantly increasing, waste burned at enterprises, a poisonous atmosphere and the lack of explanatory work with the population require active measures to correct the current situation
Any garbage should not pose a danger to humanity, but an impetus for the development of technologies for its processing and a source of endless raw materials for industrial enterprises