Elderly people are our lighthouse and sure guide in the stormy waters of the modern world Elderly family members are dear to the hearts of children and grandchildren not only because the best childhood memories are associated with them They ensure continuity of generations Grandparents instill in their descendants the moral and moral values that they received from their parents, and preserve the memory of the past and traditions of their ancestors Transferring to young people the experience and knowledge accumulated over a lifetime is an important task for the older generation On October 28, Russia celebrates the Day of Grandparents, who are the strong and reliable foundation of a modern family
A date was chosen for the holiday, which often coincides with the ancient Slavic holiday Navya Week The second name of the celebration, when our ancestors remembered their ancestors for a week - Autumn Grandfathers Usually the holiday fell on the last week of October
Grandparents' Day has been celebrated in Russia since 2003 Despite the fact that they are separated from their grandchildren by more than one decade, and they lived in different conditions, it is the elderly members of the family who sometimes understand the younger generation better than parents and friends You can trust your grandparents with any secret, ask for advice and help, which they will certainly provide, and also pamper and caress It is not for nothing that there is an opinion that grandchildren are loved more than children
In honor of the holiday, it is customary to call with congratulations, or better yet, to visit representatives of the older generation who live separately from their children In old age, any sign of attention from grandchildren will be received with gratitude and love, be it a drawing, a hand-made postcard or a narrated poem Remember, time passes quickly and no one is forever, so at the meeting you can ask grandparents about their parents and other family members who have been dead for a long time October 28th is a great day to start compiling your family tree
Elderly people need things and household items much less than the younger generation They are reluctant to change old, familiar clothes for new ones, often do not know how to use modern gadgets, and are reluctant to go even on short trips Therefore, it is not at all necessary to try to surprise an elderly person with an unusual gift Arrangements of autumn flowers and indoor plants brought to grandparents on October 28 will help express gratitude for the care they provided to their grandchildren and the help they provided to their children in raising them
A warm family holiday is traditionally celebrated at a table on which there are dishes beloved from childhood On Grandparents' Day, children and grandchildren wish the older generation to feel great, maintain good spirits and a positive attitude, infecting those around them with love of life and optimism