Fish and the ecosystem of water bodies are objects of state protection To protect the country's natural wealth and fishery raw materials, special bodies were created on April 7, 1934 and continue to operate to this day In order to preserve the biodiversity of flora and fauna, they monitor the condition of lakes, rivers and seas, and also fight poachers
Every year on April 7, the day of the formation of the Glavrybvod, specialists who monitor compliance with the natural legislation of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday Inspectors, employees of laboratories and basin institutions who are engaged in the reproduction of aquatic biological resources are congratulated on the Day of State Fisheries Protection Authorities
All inhabitants of lakes, rivers, reservoirs and ponds are protected, including crabs, crayfish, mollusks, etc Inspectors regularly patrol and inspect the objects entrusted to them In their activities, professionals are guided by the provisions of the laws “On the Protection and Use of Wildlife”, “On Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”, the Code of Administrative Offenses, internal instructions and other regulations Security cannot always be done on its own Therefore, the service sometimes involves freelance public inspectors in its work They help professionals in preserving reservoir stocks in order to increase the efficiency of the country’s fisheries complex
There are several types of fishing: amateur, sport and commercial Each of them has its own fishing rules, as well as for scientific research in reservoirs occupied by nature reserves, nurseries and other cultural farms The use of aquatic fauna is free of charge if we are talking about a natural object, or for a fee in the case of an artificially created private pond Restrictions relate to the permissible amount of catch, for example, commercial fish in the Far North and Far East
There are different rules for professionals and amateurs Thus, it is prohibited to catch salmon on fishing vessels and with nets during the spawning period, as well as in nature reserves, near locks and dams Catch volumes on an industrial scale are determined according to the recommendations of fishery scientific institutions Enterprises, the majority of which are not state-owned but privately owned, try not to exceed the established limit Poaching leads to the loss of quota for the extraction of aquatic biological resources and a fine, as does violation of the rules of recreational fishing
Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area is monitored by state control, supervision and security bodies The latter are engaged in patrolling water bodies, based on the results of which inspectors confiscate fishing gear, including poaching nets, and draw up reports of administrative violations The dedicated and hard work of fisheries conservation employees contributes to the preservation of the ecological sustainability of aquatic systems in lakes, rivers, dams and ponds, as well as the reproduction of fauna of all species: fish, crayfish, mollusks, snails, frogs, beavers, otters, muskrats and other mammals