On February 10, 1837 in St Petersburg, in his apartment on the Moika,12 the voice of Russia’s cultural heritage fell silent The greatest master of literature died from a wound received in a duel with Dantes February 10 is a mournful, tragic date Memorial Day of the great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin His name is forever imprinted in golden letters in the history of world literature
After the fatal duel at the Black River, Russian literature suffered an irreparable loss The works of AS Pushkin are included in the golden fund of world classics His life and work are widely studied throughout the world, many books and memoirs have been written about him The biography of the great writer is carefully studied by the mighty minds of our time
During his short life, Alexander Sergeevich gave the world many imperishable works, each of which became a masterpiece passed on from generation to generation Fairy tales, poems, novels, prose - he succeeded in everything and came out brilliantly In Russian and world literature there is no such genius, whose creative heritage would be so diverse and unique
The death of the great poet shook St Petersburg, and after it the whole of Russia More than 50 thousand people came to say goodbye to him The outstanding writer of Russia was called a genius during his lifetime, and most of his followers in the literary niche, according to the statements of IS Turgenev, considered it an honor to follow the path paved by him
All of Russia mourns this loss to this day On February 10, huge festivals, literary readings, competitions and, dedicated to the tragic fate of a historical figure, performances by poets and writers of our time are held
From the moment the sad news about the death of the poet swept over Russia, the name of AS Pushkin became inextricably linked with the name of Russia Any association about Russia certainly brings to mind the image of a literary genius
He left too early, left at the peak of his strength, but he spent all the years allotted to him on literature, giving it his all
And he glorified, glorified his lot, his creativity, his country