Holidays of Russia - Russian Nation Day

On April 5, in honor of the victory of Alexander Nevsky’s squad over the knights of the Livonian Order, Russian Nation Day is celebratedHolidays of Russia - Russian Nation Day Hundreds of soldiers of the Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdal principalities died in the Battle of the Ice The initiative to celebrate the victory belongs to representatives of the National Bolshevik Party under the leadership of E Limonov Members of the NBP began celebrating the Day of the Russian Nation in 1996 After a while, the holiday became all-Russian - every year on April 5, rallies and other events are held to commemorate the victory in the battle of 1242 on Lake Peipus Do you know that The famous phrase of A Nevsky “On this the Russian land stood and will stand” does not belong to the Novgorod prince? The chronicles do not mention anywhere that the great commander ever used this now popular expression The phrase, which very aptly reflects the essence of the main character of the 1938 film by S Eisenstein "Alexander Nevsky", belongs to the pen of screenwriter P Pavlenko The Battle of Lake Peipsi at the Crow (Black) Stone took place on April 5, Saturday, 6750 years from the creation of the world Russian soldiers adopted the traditional “eagle” formation, the German ones - “pig” Ahead of A Nevsky’s squad was a rifle regiment, heavily armed infantry and cavalry were located on the left and right flags The Livonians placed the most combat-ready part of the army - the heavy bollard knights and Chudins (representatives of the Finno-Ugric tribe) - in the middle of the army According to chroniclers, the German army crushed the first ranks of Nevsky's squad and stopped in the center of the lake on fragile ice The Livonians could not move due to the fact that they were surrounded by Russian soldiers on both flanks The thin spring ice began to crack under the Germans dressed in heavy armor, and they began to sink to the bottom The other part of the crusaders began to retreat in a hurry Did you know that The activities of the National Bolshevik Party were recognized as extremist in 2007 and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation? Its leader E Limonov was arrested several times, and in 2003 he was sentenced to 4 years in prison Despite this, the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Russian Nation, begun at the initiative of the NBP, continues to be adhered to by many patriotic organizations of the Russian Federation The battle on Lake Peipus is mentioned in only a few sources, and then very briefly, in contrast to the detailed description of the Neva Battle of 1240 The most complete picture of the Battle of the Ice is given by the Novgorod first chronicle of the senior edition (edition) It glorifies the courage and military prowess of the prince’s squad Other sources written by eyewitnesses talk about help coming to A Nevsky from above A certain “regiment of God everywhere,” a mirage that arose over the battlefield, determined the outcome of the battle Representatives of alternative chronology A Fomenko and G Nosovsky draw attention to the inconsistencies that exist in official history when covering the events of April 5, 1242 Thus, the place of the battle is called differently in ancient sources In some - Lake Peipus, located in the Pskov region, in others (for example, in the Vologda Chronicle) - Lake Ladoga Both bodies of water are far from each other, at a distance of almost 200 kilometers In European sources, the Battle of the Ice is called the Battle of Lake Peipus The Synodal list says that after the battle, Russian troops pursued the fleeing crusaders for about 7 miles Information that the Germans were falling through the ice appeared much later A number of historians believe that we owe the origin of the myth about the sinking crusaders to the director S Eisenstein and his film about Nevsky The more time passes from the moment of the epoch-making event, the more disputes and disagreements arise among researchers And in this sense, the Battle of the Ice is no exception The myths and legends that surround the battle with the crusaders do not in the least detract from its historical significance And therefore, paying tribute to their ancestors, their descendants celebrate Russian Nation Day on April 5

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