In Russia, an action in support of people living on the streets of cities and towns was first held in 2017 on the initiative of volunteer associations and the Nochlezhka charitable foundation From now on, every last Monday of March, a “difficult day” of the still cold month, despite the coming spring, began to be celebrated as Homeless Person’s Day The public initiative gained momentum year after year, filling the ranks of the organizers with new participants In 2021, the charity event has a permanent date - March 30, which annually falls on Homeless People's Day
People find themselves on the street without a means of subsistence or a place to live, not only because of an antisocial lifestyle People often become homeless due to economic and social difficulties, health problems or problems with relatives Life on the street is a terrible period, which is associated not only with everyday difficulties Those around him cease to see the homeless person as a person who is leveled by denying him dignity and personal history Indifference, spiritual callousness and reluctance to delve into the problems of one’s neighbor makes the action held on March 30 very important and significant for the entire society
The main activities organized by volunteers and charitable organizations include distributing food to the homeless In honor of the event, a collection of medicines, clothing and personal hygiene items, which are so necessary for people living on the streets, is being carried out On March 30, 2021, a new shelter for 40 people, “Day Watch House,” was opened in Moscow In it and similar places, residents are provided with medical, legal and psychological assistance all year round During the all-Russian campaign, its participants donate not only money, but also donate furniture, household appliances, medicines and food to shelters
One of the types of Homeless Day events are lectures by historians and psychologists dedicated to the problems of people living on the streets In ancient times, a person, deprived of the protection of his family, community and gods, went to wander, becoming completely helpless Our ancestors understood this, so the laws of hospitality obligated us to extend a helping hand to strangers, wanderers and pilgrims They were allowed to stay in houses, provided with a place to sleep and food
The needs of homeless people living in a modern metropolis have not changed centuries later Therefore, helping those who do not have a roof over their heads is both a demonstration of the inviolability of the moral values of society, and an understanding that the line between ordinary and homeless people is very thin “Don’t swear off money or prison,” says popular wisdom Any person can get into trouble, lose their home and slide into a miserable existence, but he must know that in difficult times other people will always come to the rescue The Day of the Homeless Person calls us to respond to the pain of our neighbor, to show the kindness of the heart and the mercy of the soul