One of the postulates of Hinduism and Buddhism is the doctrine of the aura - an invisible shell that forms the human energy field It is located around the head and body, has the shape of a cocoon and shimmers in different colors in the chakra area Few people have an idea about the biofield and its significance for human life Since 2002, the fourth Saturday in November has been celebrated around the world as International Aura Awareness Day
The concept of a biofield around a person is present not only in Eastern teachings It is close to Christianity and Islam: in the understanding of these religious beliefs, the aura is symbolized by a halo or halo around the head of saints International Aura Awareness Day aims to promote knowledge about the human energy field and the importance of keeping it clean Meditations and prayers are well suited for these purposes; they not only help cope with stress, depression and harmonize the inner world, but also treat various ailments Indeed, according to the doctrine of the biofield, any pathology begins to develop at the energy level, and only after a while the physical symptoms of the disease begin to appear
Any living organism has a biofield Both trees and animals have an aura For our smaller brothers, it consists of 3 thin shells, similar to the astral, metal and etheric bodies of humans Animals also have chakras because have an energy system Therefore, they can protect their owners from magical attacks, taking the blow themselves
The oval cocoon located around the body of the average person is about 5 cm thick The diameter of the aura depends on individual characteristics Usually it is slightly greater than the distance of arms extended to both sides The aura can reach 15-2 m if a person is healthy, full of strength and self-confident Energy-pumped people who constantly work on themselves are able to expand their aura to 18 m or more For spiritual leaders it extends for kilometers
The human biofield is heterogeneous The aura consists of 7 main bodies, like a Russian nesting doll, layered on top of each other On the physical plane, the ethereal is located closest to the human body, followed by the emotional and astral Next comes the mental body It is followed by the casual, buddhic (spiritual) and atmic Each layer is associated with a specific energy center of a person - his chakras
The contours of the biofield and the size of the aura can be determined using dowsing (vines or frames), a pendulum, hands, practicing the sensory-manual diagnostic method, and using internal vision The energy cocoon of a healthy person has an ovoid shape, a smooth surface, is not curved and is located symmetrically relative to the axis of the body
International Aura Awareness Day is celebrated by holding various educational events about the presence and structure of the human biofield At the seminars, students are taught to stop internal dialogue and practice contemplation Meditation helps you see your own energy cocoon and the aura of other people
Followers of Hinduism, Buddhism, Agni Yoga, other religions and esoteric schools are convinced that a person’s physical health, the success of his endeavors and a happy life depend on the purity of the biofield International Aura Awareness Day is celebrated with the aim of attracting public attention to the importance of spiritual values, bright thoughts and good deeds, which determine the state of a person’s aura