International Loser Day is celebrated on October 13th The holiday was invented in 2010 in Finland - the government was worried that failures would stop people from experimenting in the future and would suppress the spirit of creativity, initiative and entrepreneurship You need to understand that a bad result is also a result; a person has gained at least experience
Since childhood, we have been told that success is good and failure is bad Therefore, we are ashamed of our failures, we do not want to tell others about them, because in childhood we were told that failing was bad, sometimes we were even scolded for our mistakes For example, for torn trousers or for getting a bad grade at school Without risk and mistakes there would be no success, because if you don’t fall off a bike, you won’t learn to ride it
On this day, it is customary to tell others about your failures, share failures and stories of complete fiasco Contrary to stereotypes, admitting failure is not a sign of weakness, but a manifestation of the strength of your character Talking about your failure will be a good lesson so as not to repeat similar mistakes in the future
History knows many examples when at first a person suffered a severe fiasco, but then learned from his mistakes and became successful As long as a person makes efforts to improve and struggles with mistakes, he develops It’s much worse to dwell on your failures and think that nothing good will happen in life anymore
There are several options for celebrating Losers Day:
1 Invite several like-minded friends who also don’t mind telling each other about their failed moments in life
2 Write a post on a social network where you detail the story of your fiasco
3 Make a video story about your failure and then post it on a social network or on your blog The most important thing is to sincerely share with others about your failed moments in life You need to think that your story will be instructive for someone, and that person will be able to avoid your mistakes This will save him time, money and resources
Topics can be very different: work, personal life, travel, repairs The most important thing is to choose the right topic so that the audience appreciates it For example, an auto mechanic will not be very interested in hearing about the disastrous financial transactions of a stock market broker Some stories should not be told at all due to ethical considerations For example, about your failures in your sex life It is better to leave them for a specialized doctor