October 15 is International Rural Women's Day The idea of creating a holiday originated in Beijing in 1995 However, it received official status only in 2007 under resolution No A/RES/62/136 The UN General Assembly designated this holiday as “Improvement of the status of women in rural areas”
More than a quarter of the total population of the Earth are women living in villages and villages Almost 80% are below the poverty line Providing women with access to agricultural resources helps reduce hunger and poverty in many families
Village women have a limited choice of educational, medical, and banking services Often they cannot count on the protection of their rights and interests International Day of Rural Women is a reminder of the millions of rural women whose daily hard work and social contributions remain unappreciated
Village workers are engaged not only in the land They teach children, run households, and work in hospitals and shops
The role of women in Russia has always been significant Women, deprived of a man's shoulder during wars and revolutions, were engaged in the construction of roads and houses, worked in factories, in fields, raised children and survived as best they could, with one goal - to restore their native land
Currently, the problems of rural workers are being quickly resolved Comprehensive support is provided: in obtaining education, medical services, and developing small businesses Every year, mini-productions, shops, private kindergartens and schools are opened, run by women
For village women, a holiday is not a reason to have a day off On October 15, thematic meetings and public events are usually held, such as: • exhibitions of agricultural products; • fairs with village goods; • seminars dedicated to a specific problem
At exhibitions and fairs, agricultural technology and breeding animals are presented: goats, horses, birds, fur-bearing animals They offer to purchase natural, environmentally friendly products: cottage cheese, cheese, butter, berries, fruits and vegetables They sell handmade products: amulets, jewelry, clothes
Often on this day activists and government officials gather around a round table Thanks to a mutual focus on results, these discussions, in most cases, end with important decisions being made
In order for agriculture to flourish, so that young girls do not leave their native lands, but are engaged in their development, it is necessary to modernize equipment, improve the living and working conditions of rural women, and take care of their health