On October 13, it is customary to celebrate International Skeptics Day Skeptics are people who question not only everything little studied and not fully understood, but statements that most do not argue with For true skeptics, there is nothing that cannot be questioned They will be able to make mountains out of molehills and also prove that 2+2 equals 5 It is a pity that society considers doubters to be bores, since their long thoughts and logical conclusions will really make many bored
But thanks to doubts, new theories and different views of the world appear If there were no skeptics, then we would think that our planet is flat and stands on three pillars It was the doubters who began to doubt what for the majority then seemed to be the truth
Thanks to skeptics, civil marriages, atheists, and online stores appeared Some doubted the need to formalize relationships for a happy marriage, others went against the mass introduction of the population into religion, and others refuted the myth that the computer and the Internet can be used exclusively for games and entertainment Thanks to doubts, life becomes better and the world develops Therefore, we can consider skeptics boring as much as we want, but deep down we still respect them
On this day you can be a skeptic and don’t be afraid to seem boring It is best to get together in a company of like-minded people to argue about the origin of life on Earth, think about the imperfections of the government system, argue about the treatment of supposedly incurable diseases If you happen to celebrate Skeptics Day alone, then you can watch TV shows that debunk myths or pseudoscience For example, "MythBusters" You can also look for evidence to support the veracity of some of the stories you've been told
Try not to accept anything as truth on this day Try to doubt everything, even the most obvious things Who knows, maybe these doubts will prompt you to a certain idea that will help you make a discovery or at least improve your life or living conditions For example, you may doubt what is more profitable: renting an apartment or taking out a mortgage; drive on gas or gasoline; formalize a relationship or live in a civil marriage
You can write down your most interesting conclusions and then share them with friends It is advisable to present information in a humorous manner so as not to seem too boring or abstruse
By the way, another International Skeptics Day is also celebrated every Friday the 13th