Today, every educational institution has a social teacher - a person whose duties include ensuring the social component of education Pupils, schoolchildren, preschoolers, students, first of all, learn communication and socialization The world around us is a society with its own rules, requirements and trends, which you need to, if not comply with, then at least adapt to From a young age, children learn to communicate with each other; parents and the child’s surrounding social environment play a large role in this communication Ensuring that everything is safe in the child’s environment is also one of the tasks of a social educator
In addition to other duties, social workers organize all sorts of events for a group of students, excursions, dressage trips, prepare conditions for interesting communication and learning new things, in new places, with new people
Since 2009, relatively recently, after a conference in Copenhagen, it was decided to establish the International Day of Social Educators And celebrate it on October 2 Since then, every year in more than 40 countries around the world on this day, various events are organized for social workers, where representatives of this profession meet with each other, exchange experiences, hold conferences, raise current issues, and jointly look for solutions to complex pressing issues
Social pedagogy is a rather interesting science, because it is aimed at learning, the formation of personality in society, the adequate behavior of everyone in a group in relation to each other, the acceptance of different personalities by society, while at the same time preserving the individuality, peculiarity and interestingness of each individual The profession of a social teacher is to harmoniously combine the disparate individual characteristics of people, so that not only there are no conflicts in a small social group, but also so that, among other things, this group exists productively, bringing personal benefit to each person in it
A social teacher has the following areas of work: diagnostic, organizational, methodological, social patronage An experienced teacher in each of these areas is obliged to declare himself as a qualified specialist When choosing the profession of a social teacher, it is important to understand that the main function of the work is communication, tact, patience and the ability to negotiate So, on October 2, every year the whole world celebrates the International Day of Social Educators