One legend says that “Four Seasons” pizza owes its recipe to the contents of Italians’ pantries and refrigerators To prepare the dish, all the products that the housewife currently has in stock and are suitable as a filling for a flour product are used The history of the appearance of “Four Seasons” pizza in Italy is in many ways similar to the emergence of the traditional snack nachos Preparing the snack is somewhat reminiscent of a Russian fairy tale, in which the grandmother “scraped the bottom of the barrel, broomed the barn, and scraped some flour into a bun”
A thin tortilla made from corn or wheat flour, served with cheese, sauces and other additives, is one of the most famous dishes of Mexican cuisine Nachos, according to legend, appeared in 1940 (according to another version - in 1943) thanks to the resourcefulness of Ignacio Anaya Garcia, who worked as a head waiter at the Victory Club restaurant, located 2 miles from Texas A Mexican came up with the idea of serving the wives of American soldiers who were stationed at the military base at Fort Duncan with a fried corn tortita with cheddar and finely chopped jalapeño cheese
The story goes that before the restaurant closed, there was no food left in the kitchen to prepare dishes, and the cooks went home Therefore, Ignacio Anaya was forced to show quick wit and ingenuity, especially since the oven had not yet cooled down In it, he heated the dried tortilla and served it with topping, calling the dish Nachos especiales What was originally an improvisation, a hastily invented treat for guests of the establishment, has become a symbol of Mexican cuisine The appetizer was named after the nickname of the head waiter from the town of Piedras Negras, whom everyone called Nacho (a diminutive name for Ignacio) In honor of the snack, a holiday has been established - International Day of the Nacho, which is celebrated on October 21
Mexican cuisine, and with it nachos, are included in the UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage List Corn tortillas are the basis of national cuisine They are used to make burritos, fajitas, quesadillas, tacos and, of course, nachos In 1976, 5 years after the death of the creator and the invention of processed cheese sauce, the American magazine Smithsonianmag recognized nachos as the favorite of sports competitions, or rather, the favorite dish of fans in the United States, who actively bought it at the stadium
Today, the appetizer is prepared according to the classic recipe and served with cheddar and hot peppers, as well as with salsa, guacamole, pesto, cheese and other types of sauce, chopped meat and vegetables Chips in the form of triangles made from corn flour are added to the first and second courses The crispy tortilla itself has a neutral taste Toppings add piquancy to the dish Those who celebrate the gastronomic holiday - International Nacho Day - practice their preparation and pouring out of flatbreads every year