International holidays - April Fools Day (April Fools Day)congratulate →

On April 1, people all over the world celebrate a cheerful and noisy holiday - the Day of Laughter and HumorInternational holidays - April Fools Day (April Fools Day)congratulate → On this day it is customary to play pranks on everyone around Relatives, acquaintances, colleagues Jokes should be harmless so that the person being joked on has fun too The origin of the holiday is Germany; it was from there that sewn-on pajamas and chalk-stained backs came to us Many countries attribute such a wonderful international holiday to themselves, and believe that the Germans do not know how to laugh at all, since in Germany there is the only School of Laughter in the world But that's not true The Germans love this holiday very much and have as much fun as anyone else It is believed that Baron Munchausen, a famous humorous character, is a collective image from various April Fools' pranks For the Germans, April 1 is associated with a historical date In 1530, a financial reform took place, which closed the sources of income for many dishonest entrepreneurs For those affected by the changes, April 1 became a serious life test, because they had quite a hard time People just laughed at the awkward businessmen, calling them “fools” In the old days, April 1 was considered a tragic date, and women who gave birth to children on April 1 were empathized with, since this is the date of birth of Judas, and the babies will face an unfortunate fate In the Bible, April 1 is the date of the exorcism of the devil, and this is already a huge reason for joy In addition to people, the media also like to joke Once, even from blue screens in Germany, it was said that when watching color TV it is better to wear sunglasses, since the radiation from the screen gives the effect of a strong tan And in 1774, on April 1, one German newspaper wrote that you can not paint eggs for the Easter table, but simply keep chickens in a room of any color with different temperatures, then they will become multi-colored and lay colored eggs It would seem that the joke was obvious, but many then put the advice into practice Different countries have their own celebration traditions In England, for example, jokes and pranks are practiced only before noon, and then comedians who continue to have fun after lunch are called “fools” In Russia, the first April Fool's Day prank was in 1703 in Moscow, when heralds walked the streets inviting people to a fun performance And then a poster with congratulations on the holiday was hung out to those gathered in anticipation of the performance People come up with all sorts of pranks on this day, but they are all harmless and funny People all over the world love this holiday, because laughter prolongs life

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