Sunny Italy is known as a country where masters live, both in mixing coffee varieties and mastering the culture of preparing this divine drink Manufacturers play with roasting and grinding, proportions of Rabusta and Arabica, and combinations of beans from different parts of the world Professionals know how to properly brew coffee and present it to the client correctly In honor of the virtuosos of making the drink, Barista Day was established on March 1 and is widely celebrated
Barista Day became international in the early 80s of the last century, when a fairly young but already popular profession in Italy gained fame in the United States Coffee, which is believed to have originated in Ethiopia, is an integral part of the life of modern people In Russia, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, it was first tried during the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich The prince called the drink "kava", as it is still called in Ukrainian
The culture of drinking coffee became widespread under Peter I The Tsar ordered it to be served in public at assemblies and consumed privately at home During the time of Peter I, coffee was sold in pharmacies, because healing properties were attributed to the grains Modern scientists confirm that drinking the drink reduces the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, stimulates the gallbladder, has a diuretic effect, increases blood pressure and helps in the fight against migraines
Baristas prepare coffee and drinks based on it Bitter espresso, airy latte, aromatic cappuccino with high foam and other masterpieces can only be achieved by real masters who are familiar with all the intricacies of processing and blending beans The barista, depending on the type of drink, chooses from the methods of preparing coffee: filtering, boiling, pouring water, brewing under pressure, filtering, etc A professional knows that the quality of espresso is affected by the hardness of the water, the freshness and grinding of the beans, the parameters of the machine and the rules of its operation Anyone who achieves the highest skill in preparing espresso in Italy receives the honorary title of Maestro barista
The first official events in honor of coffee took place in Japan in 1983 There it is no less popular than green tea By the way, it is not the Italians who drink the most coffee during the year, but the Finns The average resident of the country consumes 12 kg of grains In second and third place in the top 10 are Norway (99 kg) and Iceland (9 kg) They are followed by Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Canada, from which we can conclude that coffee is a “weakness” of the inhabitants of the northern countries
Celebrations in honor of the drink take place throughout the year in many countries around the world January 25 - in Ireland, April 17 - in honor of espresso - in Italy The first International Coffee Day, established by the ICO association, took place in Milan in 2015 on October 1st The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance - it was during this period that the grain harvest began on the plantations Why exactly March 1 is celebrated as Barista Day is still unknown to coffee masters But this does not in any way detract from the uniqueness of the profession and the importance of the international holiday - Barista Day