Astrology is the science of the influence of stars on humans In ancient times, it was associated with various cults and astral myths
Every adult is a little child at heart and sincerely believes that someone is able to predict the future, the outcome of any significant actions or events Every year the number of people consulting astrologers only increases And this despite the fact that only a small part of the research, for example, regarding the movement of all planets, is undoubtedly recognized as truly scientific However, astrologers and enthusiasts firmly believe in the truth of this science and celebrate their holiday, International Astrology Day, every March on the 20th or 21st It is at this time that the next astrological year begins for most peoples In ancient times, residents were sure that on this very day darkness gives way to light and renewal begins in nature, the long-awaited spring comes
March 20 is the first astrological day of every year During this period, the Sun begins to move into the constellation Aries and spring comes At the same time, the spring equinox overtakes only the northerners, while the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere celebrate the autumn equinox It is for this reason that while Russians are fleeing extreme cold, Australians are suffering from terrible heat and, as a result, forest fires
Astrology is truly a unique science On the one hand, a large number of people recognize it as an unnecessary false discipline However, no fewer educated citizens, including scientists, pay great attention to astrological forecasts and are guided by them in their own actions
The ancient Romans first began dividing people into zodiac constellations They came up with a horoscope and, probably, already at that time they celebrated Astrology Day on a grand scale Despite the fact that astrology is a fairly ancient discipline, it is highly accurate and unchangeable See for yourself - eras, technologies used, entire civilizations change, but the starry sky, which is the main source of information for scientists, remains in one place Thus, any developments, theoretical knowledge and practical experience of our ancestors develop over thousands of years It is a pity that today astrology from a serious science is increasingly turning into a method of profit for various scammers
Nowadays, the holiday is celebrated by residents of many countries, in particular Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, etc The date of the event is symbolic It is associated with the vernal equinox, which usually falls on March 20, 21 or 19 To avoid confusion, it was decided to fix a single date The event is informal Today it has received great support among society
On the day of celebration, celebrations are held among professional scientists and their young followers Various conferences, thematic lectures, seminars, as well as trainings and presentations of astrological books are held Promotions and all kinds of flash mobs are organized Scientists predict events in the future of people There are programs on television dedicated to this science
At the same time, astrology has only become more popular over the years Well-known publications regularly publish horoscopes, even central TV channels broadcast conversations with experts in this field, and scientists’ reception rooms are always filled with visitors eager to find out their destiny from the starry sky
Despite its high popularity, astrology has its opponents In particular, it is used by the National American Science Foundation as an example of pseudoscience Not a single study has been able to prove the correctness of the claims of the ancient discipline The test results do not differ significantly from any random predictions