Many sayings, poems, and stories have been written about rivers Rivers are the most important mechanism for maintaining life on earth Thanks to the waterways of the earth, flora and fauna exist on our planet With the advent of civilization, many rivers have become dry, their beds have been changed, and the waters are polluted with industrial waste To prevent this, conservationists created a holiday called River Day Every year (March 14) it is celebrated in many countries around the world The second name of the holiday is not so common: “International Day of Action against Dams”
In 1997, an environmental organization in the United States spoke at a conference in Brazil against the construction of large dams Her proposal was supported The emergence of the river festival is due to this organization Rivers Day was first celebrated on March 14, 1988 More than 50 actions took place that day, in which protesters took part in demonstrations and also cleaned up rivers of pollution on their own Since then, on March 14, various thematic conferences and seminars have been organized, actions of those who are not indifferent to the problem of rivers have been organized, and the media have been broadcasting documentaries and feature films about nature Rivers Day is also celebrated by nature conservation agencies, environmentalists, members of charitable organizations, scientists and researchers
The creation of extensive dams and dams negatively affects the development of the reservoirs themselves, as well as other natural objects that are associated with rivers Scientists claim that disruption of the natural riverbed entails natural disasters Only thanks to participants in the movement against the construction of dams, two dams about 60 meters high were destroyed in the United States, and a law was signed in Sweden prohibiting the construction of dams higher than 15 meters Unfortunately, Russia cannot yet boast of significant changes in its river protection program Also in many countries, organizations have emerged in which volunteers are actively working to protect rivers