The decision to organize events in support of victims of various crimes was first announced in Sweden in the late 80s of the last century This significant event took place at the international Victim Support Forum in Europe The participants chose the end of winter, namely February 22, as the corresponding date At first, it was celebrated with the symbolic lighting of candles in memory of the victims of illegal acts In subsequent years, residents of France, Great Britain and Germany began to celebrate this event
Currently, the National Day of Support for Crime Victims is celebrated in many European countries As a rule, on this day demonstration events, musical performances, thematic conferences and fundraisers are organized to support victims of crime In addition, on February 22, legislative acts aimed at protecting people from crimes of various types come into force
The issue of public rehabilitation of people who suffered as a result of illegal actions was raised at the end of the last century In the fall of 1985, the UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Lawbreakers developed the Declaration of Core Rules of Justice for Victims of Crime In November of the same year, the UN General Assembly approved this document, creating for the first time universal principles for the protection of victims of crime Subsequently, a number of states adopted and put into effect legislative acts recognized to protect victims from criminal acts, as well as aimed at their rehabilitation, compensation for material damage and compensation for moral damage There are approximately 200 different crime victim assistance programs around the world They provide tremendous financial and psychological support to people when dealing with stressful and crisis situations
Every year on February 22, many countries host thematic events, social events, consultations, conferences, congresses and meetings organized by human rights activists and public associations Often officials and law enforcement officers take part in them