The word “soup” evokes its own associations for each of us - someone remembers situations from childhood when their parents forced them to eat the first thing, and someone thinks about traveling to France - where he had the opportunity to try traditional French onion soup for the first time It is believed that soup is a French dish, because the word itself came to us from France, however, as it turned out, every nation, every country, every continent has its own traditional soups If you think about it, soup is a broth with pieces of vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms, seafood or bread There is even coffee-based soup, there are soups made from mud - in short, there are all sorts of first courses
Rightfully, this liquid nutritious food is recognized as one of the most useful of every person’s daily diet Actually, “soup”, literally, is a stew in which bread is soaked, but cooking has come far ahead and this tasty and healthy dish for any person’s body is not prepared from anything nowadays By the way, many doctors believe that during illness, chicken broth or any other made from dietary meat is very useful But for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it would be better to eat vegetable broth In short, for each individual case there is a liquid food that will help the body feel healthy There are types of the former - for example, borscht or cabbage soup - that can be kept in the refrigerator for several days without losing their beneficial properties, even enriching their own taste during the infusion process Thus, this food can save time - it does not need to be prepared daily
It is interesting that, among other things, soup is also a very financially economical dish, where there were problems with food - families who suffer from a lack of money all over the world know very well that the easiest way to saturate the body is with broth, based on vegetables or cooked on the bone Many housewives or cooks, when preparing the first course, boiling potatoes, mushrooms or meat, leave the broth for it, and use the meat or mushrooms or vegetables in the preparation of other dishes
The whole world is so accustomed to soups that this food even has its own holiday - International Soup Day It is celebrated on April 5 - you can start a unique tradition, on this day you can eat this dish, which is prepared according to a new recipe There is no end to the variety of this first liquid dish Whatever it is made from, there are about 200 types of soup in the world and several thousand recipes for making them Try to prepare unique soups, changing the recipe each time you prepare them - and your family will be grateful to you for the variety in your diet