It was the winter of 1893 On the Place Blanche in Paris, in one of the buildings that was well known to almost every Frenchman who had visited the capital at least once, the light was burning brightly This house could be easily recognized by its huge decorative wooden mill, the blades of which were painted bright red Barely audible echoes of a catchy melody could be heard from the building onto the street Four years earlier, the grand opening of a new cabaret called the Moulin Rouge took place His fame quickly spread to all corners of the capital, and aristocrats, representatives of the middle class, people of art and bohemians began to gather here The hallmark of the cabaret was the famous cancan - an energetic and extremely frank dance for that time, balancing on the brink of vulgarity and vulgarity
On that day, February 9, Parisian students threw a chic party in an entertainment venue that soon became legendary Fine dishes and expensive drinks, beautiful girls twirling provocatively on stage - what else does a man need for entertainment? The evening's program included an impromptu beauty contest The excited audience supported their favorites, everyone was in an extremely excited state A dancer with the pseudonym Mona appeared on stage
She spun in a charming dance, getting more and more carried away, until she began to take off the details of her toilet The stunned audience supported the initiative of the girl, who was wearing only jewelry by the end of the performance Alas, law enforcement officers did not appreciate Mona’s trick, and she was fined for indecent behavior It is believed that this was the first striptease in modern history, which is why International Striptease Day is celebrated on February 9th
By the beginning of the last century, a protest movement had developed in France against Puritan moral principles, which were already beginning to die in society The younger generation wanted to live for their own pleasure, expanding the boundaries of morality By the time Mona danced her first striptease, many were already actively protesting Mostly men staged protests against bigotry They stripped naked and came to work like that, rode naked on bicycles, and demonstratively communicated with women of easy virtue
The cancan, which was so popular at the Moulin Rouge, can be called a more modest version of striptease It was performed by girls in drinking establishments, bars, cabarets and other “dens of debauchery,” as they were called then Respectable society branded the energetic cancan a dance that was extremely vulgar and obscene During its performance, the girls raised their arms and heads, raised their legs high, dressed in stockings and pantaloons The whole beauty of the dance lay in this - its performers were fully dressed in decent dresses, but without undue modesty they showed the audience what was hidden under their skirts
Initially, anyone could dance striptease, but as its popularity grew, a number of rules had to be introduced Usually young girls under the age of 25-26 engage in explicit dancing In addition to their beautiful appearance and seductive figure, they must have a sense of rhythm and plasticity Although dance is considered “night”, some clubs also operate during the day The windows in such establishments, like casinos, are tightly closed, so it feels as if they live outside of time
Today it is hardly possible to surprise anyone with a striptease Contrary to misconceptions, the girls who perform these dances usually have nothing in common with moths They train long and hard to work with the pole The preparation process is extremely energy-intensive and complex, so it is not much different from heavy physical exercise in the gym Erotic dances have become an integral part of mass culture, and explicit films “Striptease”, “Showgirls”, and “Exotica” played an important role in this By the way, on February 9 you can have a movie night and watch these sensual hits non-stop