According to a report by the World Health Organization, more than a billion people on the planet are at risk of hearing loss due to listening to loud music
World Hearing Day is a global WHO initiative launched in 2007 in Beijing This initiative aims to promote global action to provide hearing aids and prevent hearing loss
The date March 3 was chosen because of the 33 number format, which is similar to the shape of our ears
Almost half of young people aged 12-35 are exposed to unsafe levels of sound every day when using personal audio devices 40 percent of them are subject to catastrophic increases in sound levels in clubs and bars WHO recommends reducing the amount of time young people spend listening to music on personal audio devices to one hour per day Noise-induced hearing loss has been present in the population for many years The workplaces had very high noise levels, but this problem has recently been resolved
Everywhere in cities, they provide free ear examinations and consultations on the treatment of problems that arise Most publishers produce information materials on ear care Social media organize campaigns to prevent hearing loss among drivers, owners of clubs, fitness centers and other establishments
If you listen to music at levels less than 85 decibels, then this is not a hearing problem When the sound is so loud that people walking next to you can hear it from your headphones, this is not acceptable for your health
Wear hearing protection such as earplugs during loud music events Special earplugs can be made for musicians to protect their hearing while maintaining sound quality Give your ears frequent breaks from noise Limit time spent in very busy areas
Set the volume of your personal audio device to a moderate level Don't turn up the volume to try to drown out background noise As a general rule, set the volume to a level that you can hear at arm's length
Remember that the health of your ears is in your hands