Since 2012, every year on February 13, one of the youngest, but already gaining popularity, holidays, World Radio Day, is celebrated all over the world
Radio has been one of the most important means of communication since its appearance in human life It is difficult to imagine modern life without radio broadcasting Broadcasting information across channels is the primary task of every professional involved in broadcasting
Broadcasting is very important both in peacetime and in wartime, therefore, when training young specialists, special emphasis is placed on this Radio is not just entertainment channels broadcasting music, interesting programs and interviews, it is one of the global achievements of mankind for the organization of universal ethics This is an opportunity for millions of people to find common ground It is not for nothing that radio work in a number of countries is one of the most prestigious and highly paid
The initiator of the creation of the holiday on February 13 was UNESCO in 2011, calling on radio amateurs to pay tribute to UN Radio, which launched the first broadcast on February 13, 1946 from its headquarters in New York Many countries supported this idea, including Russia, although in our country there is a holiday dedicated to specialists and amateurs, celebrated on May 7th
However, World Radio Day has another important task, in addition to honoring radio specialists around the world, this is the international strengthening of media cooperation, which is currently important, since the information war can be much more destructive than the real one World Radio Day unites all countries into a single chain of global broadcasting power, where every word spoken at one end of the planet has the right to be heard at the other
The world holiday is celebrated by everyone who is somehow connected with the direct production of programs, with broadcasting or servicing stations, be it a huge station with a world-class past or a club of one amateur with a couple of listeners
This day is eagerly celebrated by all future specialists who are still preparing to go on the air, these are students and applicants who dream of a career in radio On February 13, memorable gifts, certificates, and bonuses are presented, and worthy workers are recognized Often the holiday is accompanied by charitable and cultural events calling for the world to unite
On February 13, global events are also held in most countries of the world, in which only high-ranking representatives of the radio industry can take part Such meetings are attended by inventors and officials, UN representatives and heads of radio stations
The value of radio cannot be determined Freedom of speech, freedom of choice and the possibility of independent participation in all events taking place in the world are the basic principles of the work of radio channels