Physical contact and hugs are important for creating psychological comfort in a person, relieving stress, improving hormonal balance and even rejuvenating the body People who are regularly hugged by loved ones are less likely to suffer from depression and insomnia, and have high self-esteem and an optimistic attitude December 4th is the International Day of Hugs - touches that are most often found in everyday life
International Hug Day is dedicated to the tactile interactions that people use as greetings, comfort, love and friendship Psychologists note that in addition to the significance of the very fact of touch, the value of a hug is determined by its duration Volunteers participating in scientific experiments noted that they experienced more pleasure if they were held close by other people for at least 5-10 seconds The majority of respondents did not like “quick” hugs
The baby experiences a feeling of security and peace when he is picked up and cuddled by his mother The therapeutic effect of hugs is also observed in autistic children of all ages Children with nervous system disorders begin to behave calmer and more confident after tactile contacts In infants, physical closeness forms psychological and emotional attachment to mother and father and affects cognitive and physical development
Hugs are important for people of all ages, but not all cultures practice them Russia, like Italy, Greece or Spain, is considered a country of hospitality Their residents consider it natural to touch people around them every day as a sign of approval, greeting or expressing other emotions The culture of hugging is not close to the citizens of Korea, China and Japan That is, residents of these countries cannot expect therapeutic benefits from interacting with another person in situations where touch could improve their physical and emotional well-being
The lack of tactile sensations leads to a feeling of loneliness and insecurity, and in the worst case, to mental personality disorders Skin-to-skin contact stimulates nerve endings that send calming signals to the brain, which slows down the production of the stress hormone cortisol Touch also helps build trust between people, improves mood and lowers blood pressure This in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
International Hug Day seems like a funny holiday only at first glance In fact, the touch of other people is very important for well-being 8 hugs a day increase the amount of endorphins, which means they reduce the level of fear and anxiety, making a person happy and satisfied with life