Which relative has deserved the universal love of society, to such an extent that the attitude towards this person is described by a mass of jokes, songs and other works of art? Of course, we are talking about the mother-in-law The etymology of the word “mother-in-law” is quite extensive Some philologists claim that it comes from the verb “to console, console,” others that from the word “to console” In a word, contrary to popular belief about the maliciousness of this woman in general, the mother-in-law is a sweet, kind and comforting person Some cities even have memorial sites in her honor So, for example, in Odessa there is a mother-in-law bridge, and in the city of Tula there is a whole monument to the mother-in-law, although in it she has slightly lost her human appearance
By the way, people's ridicule of the relationship between son-in-law and mother-in-law - the wife's mother - in jokes, rather confirms the rule about the closeness and warm attitude of these two people towards each other After all, they are connected by love for the most precious thing in their lives - love for their daughter and wife Everyone wants to please and make life better for this person, and on the basis of this idyll, quarrels are almost impossible There are, of course, cases - but this is more likely on purpose, so that there is a reason for jokes
Surprisingly, there is even a mother-in-law holiday in the world - it is celebrated every fourth Sunday in October The holiday appeared in the world quite a long time ago - since 1934, unfortunately, it has never reached the status of well-known As you know, Mother's Day and Father's Day are very popular holidays in the world, so one of the editors of an American newspaper in Texas decided to offer another important day - Mother-in-Law Day Since then, this holiday has been actively and cheerfully celebrated in families in America, and later in Europe In our country it is not very popular yet - however, the prerequisites are emerging, because the mother-in-law is a very colorful character in any family
In any family on this day it is customary to meet the mother-in-law, say kind words to her, give gifts, and, of course, sit at the common table Every experienced husband will tell you that maintaining a good and calm relationship with your mother-in-law is the key to a healthy and harmonious family Indeed, in most cases, the mother-in-law is also a grandmother and always a mother
So, remember - every fourth Sunday in October you have an official occasion to visit your mother-in-law - do not forget to bring nice and kind words, as well as gifts After all, appeasing your mother-in-law is an excellent, healthy and always useful idea