The first international music day was held on October 1 in 1975 And the decision to establish it was made two years earlier in Lausanne at the 15th General Assembly of the IMC The purpose of the holiday was to introduce all layers of society to this art
The holiday dedicated to music is not that old, but music itself has been known to mankind since ancient times Even our ancestors, living in caves, carved people with musical instruments on stone We do not know what kind of music they played and listened to back then, but there is no doubt that even then people colored their lives with it, conveyed joy and melancholy with the help of sounds, and expressed their feelings in it
Music is a constant companion of humanity today There is probably no person who does not like to listen to enchanting sounds Not a single celebration or event can take place without it, be it a wedding, name day or military parade We listen to music in a cheerful mood, and when we are overwhelmed by melancholy or sadness
Sometimes the sound of music pulls you out of a complete abyss It’s not for nothing that music therapy was invented Even with the most severe depression, listening to classical music, a person begins to understand that the world around is beautiful, life goes on It inspires you to live a full life, gives you strength to move forward and do good More than once there have been cases when music healed not only the soul, but also the body
Music has many directions:• classical;• rock music;• electronic;• pop music;• rap;• hip-hop;• jazz;• blues
But each of them brings many beautiful works into the world, making it much more beautiful On a holiday dedicated to music, each of the directions is heard throughout the world On this day, concerts are held, the best performers perform, and world hits of all times are played Many people present their newly created masterpieces to the public on this day Little musicians also take to the stage with an irresistible desire to devote their entire lives to this wonderful art
There are many interesting facts related to music For example, scientists have proven that to the sound of calm music, flowers grow faster, and cows give more milk Also, listening to music while doing sports, a person becomes more resilient, and weak children get better and grow faster In addition, it is known that our hearts beat in time with the music we listen to