Tie Day is celebrated every year on October 18th It is believed that it began to be celebrated in Croatia, because it was in this country that the prototype of this accessory, familiar to the official style of men, appeared At first, men wore bright silk scarves - this was back in the era of Cardinal Richelieu By chance, Parisian fashionistas saw a new wardrobe item They liked the unusual accessory of the Croatian military costume
Within a short time, neckerchiefs appeared in the wardrobe of the French, they began to be called “cravate” Translated from French, this word means “Croatian” Later, the root of this word became the basis for the name of a new wardrobe element in many European countries For example, in Ukraine a tie is called a “kravatka” In Russia, the name comes from the German version - “halstuch”
After France, the fashion for ties began to spread even more rapidly - it most quickly touched prim England Here I liked the accessory so much that wearing it was elevated to a special ritual It was the British who began to experiment with the shape and length of a new wardrobe element and began to come up with various options for tying it The neck scarf gradually transformed into the familiar strip of fabric, beautifully processed and having different widths along its entire length
Tie Day has been celebrated at the national level in Croatia since 2003 France and England also treat this holiday with trepidation On social networks, the day is also celebrated on a special scale - people are invited to quizzes, where they need to show dexterity and ingenuity in tying tie knots correctly
The scope of celebrations in Croatia has become so large that even on monuments you can see this accessory of the official style of clothing for men It is always scarlet - this is exactly what the Croatian military wore in the Middle Ages The honor guard in the main guard unit of Croatia also wears a neckerchief
Four interesting facts about ties:
1 The collector of this piece of clothing is called a grabologist
2 The accessory is worn by only 10% of the world's population
3 The most expensive tie in the world costs 220 thousand dollars Such a high price is justified by the presence of jewelry made from 271 diamonds and about 150 grams of gold
4 One silk product will require about 150 silkworm cocoons