The first diamond weighing 0546 carats, found in Yakutia, was cut at the Suntar plant - at that time a joint venture with Japanese equipment manufacturers, Sakha-Japan Diamond A 0270 carat diamond was produced from the stone on October 23, 1992 The initiative to create diamond processing factories in rural areas of the republic in the 90s did not meet with approval from local authorities However, as time has shown, the involvement of Japanese companies in organizing enterprises for processing and cutting precious stones turned out to be a strategically correct decision
In the villages of Nerbe, Suntara and Verkhne-Vilyuysk, diamond processing factories appeared, which used high-tech equipment supplied by partners from the Land of the Rising Sun In their presence, in 1992, the first Yakut diamond was ceremonially cut The stone that laid the foundations for a new diamond-processing industry was named “Star of Suntara” This historical moment served as the reason for the establishment of the holiday On October 23, Yakutia celebrates the Day of Jewelry and Diamond Cutting Industry Workers
The professional holiday appeared in 2010 after the decree of the President of the Republic of Sakha was issued The industry is considered one of the key ones in Yakutia and is the calling card of the region A full production cycle is carried out on its territory - from the extraction of diamonds and other precious stones to processing and manufacturing of jewelry using modern technologies For the first time, public attention was drawn to the problems of the diamond cutting industry in 2008 at a round table attended by local authorities, industry representatives and journalists One of the results of the meeting was the establishment of Jeweler's Day, which was celebrated for the first time in the republic on September 28, 2009
The company "Gold of Yakutia", the flagship of the region's jewelry production, and other enterprises are suppliers to the domestic and European markets of products made from precious stones, made by true masters of their craft Thanks to the work of professionals and experience that is passed down from generation to generation, Yakutia is the leader in the Russian diamond cutting industry The deposits and underground mines of the republic are considered unique due to their high value Thus, the International pipe, located in the Mirny region, produces 350 tons of ore with a diamond content of 8 carats per ton In foreign mines this figure is 03 carats per 1 ton
The explored reserves of stones will provide enterprises of the Sakha Republic with work for the next 40-50 years The production schedule for some mines is scheduled until 2042 Today, production at previously mothballed deposits is being resumed, and new deposits of natural resources are being searched for This will lead to the creation of new industrial areas and jobs This means that an increasing number of professionals employed in the industry will annually receive congratulations on the Day of the Jewelry and Diamond Cutting Industry Worker in Yakutia