Bugs with a red, orange or blue back with black markings invariably evoke tenderness and joy in children and adults A ladybug landing on a hand or other part of the body is considered a good sign, bringing good luck and good news In this case, you should make a wish, throw the insect up and wait for it to fly away
According to a long-standing tradition dating back to childhood, you can recite the chant:
Oral folk art is a storehouse of wisdom and knowledge Our ancestors used nursery rhymes and chants in everyday life for magical purposes Ritual folklore was resorted to when it was necessary to cause rain or sun, to influence natural phenomena, or to receive help from the gods Children's calls to the mouse that took away a child's milk teeth, to roosters, snails, beetles and other insects have survived to this day
In Denmark, through a flying ladybug, children convey a request to the gods for good sunny weather Residents of Norway ask her to help find her other half, saying before releasing her:
Czechs and Slovaks call an insect from the order of Coleoptera beetles "sun", the British - the bird of the Virgin Mary, the Americans and Germans - the bug of the Virgin Mary The Middle Ages are considered to be the time of origin of this symbolism and associations with the Mother of God During this era, representatives of Christian European communities drew parallels between the 7 black marks on the back of the ladybug and the 7 sorrows of the Virgin Mary In the religious tradition, the insect acts as a mediator between God and man, a symbol of forgiveness and grace
The sky has always been associated in people's minds with the place where the gods live On the mountain peak of Olympus lived Zeus, Demeter, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes Prav was the home of Svarog, Lada, Belobog, Zhiva, Lelya and Kitovras The flight of a bug with an unusual color into the sky has always been given a sacred meaning In honor of this action, a holiday was invented, which is celebrated on August 23 Ladybugs Flight Day falls on this date
In Rus', insects have long been addressed not only in verse chants The bug was asked various questions, for example: “Ladybug, will it be bad weather tomorrow?” If the insect flew away, according to legend, one should wait for good weather, if it remained on the hand - rain The Slavs even wondered about the future, asking: “Lady cow, should I live, die, or fly to heaven?” Even today, predictions are made based on the number of black marks on the back about how many children there will be in a family or how many happy months there will be in the current year
A talisman with the image of a spotted bug is believed to bring good luck Meeting a large number of cows on the street means the formation of a friendly and large family An insect that flies into a house promises happiness and prosperity to its inhabitants and the birth of a child, if there is not a single spot on it A yellow beetle with black specks landing on your hand is a sign of a quick trip and an unforgettable adventure
If a person is bitten by a ladybug, he needs to take a closer look at his surroundings: there are enemies in it The messenger of heaven who sits on her right hand fulfills her cherished desires, and on her left hand improves health A beetle swooping on your face predicts happy love; on your shoulder - dramatic changes in life People remember these and other lucky signs on August 23 in honor of Ladybug Flight Day