In the USSR in the late 1960s and early 1970s, it was very popular to lay capsules under monuments or wall them up in the walls of buildings, which contained messages for posterity Their opening and reading were timed to coincide with memorable dates - the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol or the anniversary of Soviet power “We believe that you have perfectly equipped our beautiful blue planet Earth, mastered the Moon and landed on Mars,” the builders of communism wrote to their descendants An unusual holiday is dedicated to this tradition October 19 is the Day of Writing a Letter to the Future
In honor of the celebration, parents and grandparents write messages to their children and grandchildren, which the recipient will read after a while In their letters, they share their life experiences with the younger generation, give instructions, imagine how a person dear to them will live after 20, 30 years Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein and Francis sent messages to the future about love and good attitude towards people Scott Fitzgerald, to his grandson about the need to know history and train his memory - Umberto Eco Words written from the heart, in the form of letters to his son, remained as a keepsake for fans of Evgeniy Mironov’s talent
Joseph Brodsky's poem, which he dedicated to his daughter Anna Maria Alexandra, is widely known At the time of its writing, in 1994, the girl was only one and a half years old The poet did not have long to live - he died in 1996 from long-standing heart disease Therefore, the poem is a kind of farewell to Brodsky with his daughter, a letter with a declaration of love and parting words in life
To compose sincere and heartfelt messages, you do not need to have a penchant for writing If literary talent is present, and there is a desire to share something important with people, then you can write a book The most famous works of this kind include “Letters to my son” by VA Sukhomlinsky In them, the famous teacher talks about morality and ethics, the civic duty of the Soviet person
The builders of communism - workers and representatives of the intelligentsia who took part in the laying of the "time capsules" - also wrote about this They believed that the future "would bring decisive victories to progressive humanity in its struggle against the sworn enemy of all peoples - imperialism" Soviet people living in the Brezhnev era were convinced that their descendants had discovered the secrets of nature, learned to control the weather and climate, so they planted gardens even in the Arctic
On October 19, essays are addressed not only to children and grandchildren, but also to friends, acquaintances and even to themselves So, according to tradition, at the graduation party, schoolchildren write letters by hand, which are opened after 5 or 10 years during a meeting within the walls of their alma mater The epistolary genre allows you to share thoughts and feelings that are considered premature to voice or are embarrassed to express out loud The Day of Writing a Letter to the Future helps you realize these and other innermost desires by writing a message to your descendants