October 25 is the Day of the Marketer - a specialist in managing the sales of goods and services Professionals research the relationship between market supply of products and demand Based on this data, marketers develop strategies and conduct product promotion campaigns Thanks to the work of specialists, a sales system is built that brings maximum profit to enterprises or organizations
A marketer is one of the most sought-after professions in modern Russia The professional holiday was established in honor of the creation on October 25, 1975 in the Soviet Union of a department responsible for advertising and promotion of goods to foreign markets under the Ministry of Foreign Trade Therefore, according to a long-standing tradition, Marketer’s Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries
This is interesting: Marketing is inextricably linked with advertising Some of its samples cause bewilderment and a smile among modern specialists So, in the USSR there were posters everywhere with the call: “Fly with Aeroflot planes!” In the USSR there were no companies competing with the state carrier Therefore, Aeroflot did not need advertising, especially since plane tickets were in short supply, and travelers often had difficulty purchasing them
In Russia, training in the specialty “marketing” became available to a wide range of people only in the early 90s Before this, only a narrow circle of selected students from the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade could become a professional in the field of commercial cooperation with foreign countries The educational institution was opened in Moscow in 1931 Today, in addition to VAVT, marketers are trained in many colleges and economic universities in the country
This is interesting: According to scientists, a modern person sees and hears about 3,000 advertisements during the day, remembering no more than 10 This is the result of the right choice of product promotion strategy: competent market analysis, a successful brand name and the creation of a slogan by marketers
In honor of the holiday, leading marketers speak to students of institutes and academies, congresses, scientific and practical conferences, forums and competitions are held The first lectures on marketing were given at the beginning of the twentieth century within the walls of the University of Michigan, California and Illinois Courses in the emerging specialty appeared in several US universities at once in 1902 In 1934, the first issue of the American Marketing Journal was published
Today, the marketing profession is on the list of the most in demand along with web developers and IT technology specialists And although the celebration is not included in the register of official holidays, marketers, whose demand in the labor market is constantly growing, celebrate it annually on October 25
This is interesting: The most successful from a commercial point of view are considered to be advertising for teenagers of Snickers bars, a marketing ploy with Chupa Chups lollipops and an image of a camel on a pack of Camel cigarettes