We are accustomed to the obligatory annual International Women's Day, but many do not suspect that it is accompanied by World Men's Day - and it is not in February This day is celebrated on the first Saturday of November It’s funny that this day was proposed to be celebrated by none other than the first and only president of the USSR - Mikhail Gorbachev It happened on the eve of the millennium, the idea of celebrating the holiday was supported by the Vienna Magistrate, and since then, and to be absolutely precise - since 2000, with the easy suggestion of Mikhail Sergeevich, on the first Saturday of November, World Men's Day began to be celebrated in some countries of the world To be fair, it must be said that in addition to this holiday, there is also International Men’s Day
Today, the holiday of representatives of the strong half of humanity is little known, but, for example, from 2000 to 2006, the World Men's Prize was awarded on the first Saturday of November By the way, there is an opinion that World Men’s Day itself was timed to coincide with the day of presentation of this award It was awarded to the powers that be for outstanding achievements in various fields of life - in business, science, politics, sports It is interesting that the prize itself is a small symbolic bronze copy of Rodin’s famous sculpture “The Thinker” Thus, this award has been received over the years by such famous men as singer Jose Carreras, designer Karl Lagerfeld, legendary singers Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson and other famous men of our world - you must agree, their contribution to art and global social development in general is invaluable Even the Pope once received this award Today the prize is no longer there However, despite the abolition of the award, the holiday remains a holiday, and it continues to be celebrated today So, on the first Saturday of November, in many cities of Russia, Ukraine, in some countries and cities of Europe, parties are held, usually in clubs or cafes - themed parties with congratulations, in honor of the brave, cheerful, reliable, strong representatives of our society
In fact, no matter how sad it is to realize, men today really need to be protected - judging by how many families are left without them, weighing the statistics on the number of single mothers, a real protector of his family, a father, support and protection is really an extremely rare specimen that needs to be cared for and cherished, and celebrations should be organized for it not only on February 23, but also on World and International Men’s Days But seriously, don’t forget to congratulate the man close to you on this day - the first Saturday of November, let it be a son, a father, a husband, or just an acquaintance There is no need to give gifts, just let the person know that he is needed, useful, in demand, and that they are proud of him