Every year on January 28th World Unemployment Day is celebrated It is celebrated in many countries The purpose of its creation is to focus the population’s attention on unemployment, the level of which in the Russian Federation is quite high
When it comes to such a problem as unemployment, many immediately have a picture of people who simply do not want to get a job In fact, everything is completely different The vast majority simply cannot find a job, since it is very difficult to find a job with a salary that would provide for the whole family
A person can cope with a task that no machine or software can do Neither production nor various types of service sectors can function without the direct help of humans Economic problems are accompanied by job cuts As a result, a crisis arises, both in political and social areas
And as for the latter, it hinders the well-being of the population This holiday calls on the population to work, and the authorities to draw attention to a very important problem - unemployment
Traditional society existed without wages, since there was no money in those days The society lived off the land As soon as money was invented, cities began to be built As a result, the population became dependent on money, purchasing food rather than growing it
Due to some circumstances, people could not get a job at an enterprise, which means they did not have a job and their status grew into “unemployed” And economic problems only make the situation worse
In general, an unemployed person cannot take this day as a reason to have fun After all, the problem is very serious, and the holiday itself is not aimed at entertainment purposes, but at extremely serious ones And the main people on this day are not the unemployed, but representatives of government agencies who are making every attempt to solve this problem Therefore, on this day they:• Collect funds to help people looking for work• Consider various bills regarding the employment of society• Provide reports on how government programs are being implemented• Discuss pressing problems of unemployment, as well as employment• Organize various kinds of conferences
But it is worth saying that this holiday concerns everyone who solves the problem of unemployment Employees of social insurance, trade unions and charitable foundations also join the holiday The media broadcast stories, and the largest employers publish their reports So anyone can participate and help in this problem