The International Day of Anti-Nuclear Action, held on November 9, arose as a response to the events in Chernobyl That explosion in 1986 clearly showed that not only nuclear weapons, but also the seemingly “peaceful atom” can harm humanity and have planetary consequences The date draws attention to the threat not only from the military, but also from all various industrial, scientific and other structures that use radioactive substances in their activities: nuclear power plants, sea vessels with nuclear reactors
It was no coincidence that the date was chosen - November 9 In 1986, experts from all over the world gathered in Italy for a meeting It was dedicated to the safety problems of nuclear power plants and the consequences that can only be prevented through joint efforts and close international cooperation After the referendum on November 8th, it was decided to choose the next day as a reminder and warning to all humanity
Continuous tests since the second half of the 20th century at the Semipalatinsk test site (USSR), in Nevada (USA) almost led to a nuclear war A tragic misunderstanding occurred on November 9, 1979, when the US aerospace defense computers, due to a system failure, believed that the USSR had launched a nuclear strike, firing 2 thousand missiles The alarm turned out to be false, and the incident was resolved peacefully, but the nuclear threat remained
Today, more and more people want to see their future without radiation There are many organizations, including youth organizations, that are developing their own projects And one of these are anti-nuclear camps located near dangerous objects They serve as a reminder on International Day that anti-nuclear action is a powerful tool in the fight for peace against a devastating threat Pickets and demonstrations, becoming larger every year, against the development of nuclear energy, strive to attract maximum attention to the problem
Many countries have completely abandoned the use of nuclear power plants, because incidents occur periodically at them Currently, despite large-scale opposition from activists, nuclear energy continues to operate and develop in many countries For example, India is rapidly increasing the number of nuclear reactors
The worst thing is that people never stop learning from their mistakes and are quicker to make a profit than to learn a life lesson Japan, which is involved in this by selling nuclear technology to outside countries, is trying to improve its position and benefit despite the recent tragedy In 2011, the Fukushima disaster halted the construction of new reactors in Japan itself, which has first-hand knowledge of the destructive power of nuclear power And although the number of reactors around the world continues to decline, their number alarms environmentalists Nuclear waste is no less of a concern
Innovative technologies can improve the situation - with them, electricity production will become safe, because scientists have proven that even the trouble-free operation of nuclear power plants is far from harmless, and there is no immunity to radiation exposure It is hoped that anti-nuclear initiatives will achieve their main goals and ensure a sustainable future for the planet